10. Revealing And Secrets

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Katsuki thinks he going to suprise izuku by telling him thats he kenshin... little does he know. He knocks on izuku doors and he opens it.. "Oh hey Kac- Kenshin!" I need to talk to you in private kenshin says... Oh Okay" He lets kenshin in getting prepared for anything he is about to say. Izuku... I'm Katsuki.. I KNEW IT! he screams! i mean i knew it a long time ago hehe" How? simple! I maybe kinda- No so simple is it now nerd? Well kacchan i might have stalked you? He facepalms... should have made an excuse. he going to be super creeped out! Izuku opens one of his eyes to notice he just had a blck expression he looks calm but inside both of them are internally screaming. Katsuki: UIAFJYAFJFSYJFYJAGYJA GAKYSFJGWJGJW YWGJWGDWJYWJWDHG DID HE HEAR ME SAY I LOVE HIM!? NO WAY WGUGSASKUGDKUGDKUDGKDGUDKDKHDIUDUGIUDu WHAT SHOULD I DO YSYGDJGJDGJDGDJHGDJGDHJ  AWWWUWGJWYGWYDGJWDWDW DWDI HE SAID HE LOVES ME BUT HE COULD BE LYING HDUSDUGDUEIGIUFGEIUFGEIUFGEIUFGEUIFGEIUGEUFGEIUFGIEGUEG.                                Midoryia:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TOLD HIM AGHHH!!!

But from the outside they looked calmer than the sea.
I uhm heard that you l-love me?
you heard?
I uhm love you to he said.
We'll have to keep this whole thing a secret you know.
I know he said hugging bakugou!
Now i won't ever feel single with you around
... Me to.

authors note'

THIS WAS SO SHORT!!! but the next few might be shorter becuz its slowly ending the class will find out hate hate love love acceptance and more the end okay im joking there will be a more detailed ending...

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