What if the nightwings won the invasion?+what if Moon met Morrowseer

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                      Hundreds of Night dragons stalked through the soil, like a jet-black wave stretching on the rainforest floor. Dragonets, soldiers and elders, all together, marching through the forest. A small, dark green and black dragonet crouched beside his older brother, who was fiddling with a spear.

" Why are we doing this" He whispered, eyeing the jungle with a mix of curiosity and fear. His brother, named Braveclaws answered quietly " You know we need a new home, Atlas. The rainforest is huge, so we can live in it peacefully. Plus there are mangos. Yup, mangos are the main reason of this"

" But then, why do we carry all this weapons?" Braveclaws didn't answer. He kept fiddling with his spear as if he hadn't listened. They walked silently for a while. Atlas gazed around, wondering were their parents where. Swiftwind and Quickflier, as you can guess, were the tribe's quickest scouts. They went out first with the front troops, so they hadn't seen since midday. I hope they are alright... Suddenly, a flame from the front lit the night and  dragons from the side started to run

" Stay with the rest!" His brother whispered just before joining the running dragons, with his spear at the front. While he watched, the rest of the NightWings( old dragons, dragonets and some soldiers) were settling in a small clearing a provisional camp. He suddenly felt the warmth of a wing over him.

" Come here. Your brother will arrive soon" Atlas followed blindly the dragon through the camp, his talons moving reluctantly. He glanced up

" Don't worry" Princess Greatness said " There's no need to bow" Her diamond necklace bumped against her skinny chesty as she walked, making a soft, metallic sound. The princess lead him to a tent with some dragonets .

" Stay here" She patted Atlas head and went to talk with a soldier. Curiosity prickled beneath Atlas's scales. As silently as he could, he stalked forward,just enough to hear their whispers

" What about the Sandwings" Greatness, he thought.

" They are heading through west, with General Osiris in the lead." The soldier answered.

" And how is the offensive going?"

" The Rainwings are fiercer than we expected, but we took them by surprise. The Queen of the Rainwings is trying to fight us" As Atlas lowered a twig snapped below his weight. The two grown-ups turned sharply and scanned the place.

" Who's there?!" the soldier grabbed his spear menacingly. The dragonet quickly went back into the tent, where some dragonets were chatting quietly. He sat in a corner and threw his wings around him. Where was his brother? Where his parents alright? He silently sobbed, unaware of a dragonet his age gazing at him.

" Are you alright?" The dragonet said. Atlas rose his head and gazed at the purpish dragonet in front of him.

" Are you alright?" she repeated as she sat in front of him. Most of the other dragonets were already asleep, and the caretaker was hunting, so no one could hear anything. Atlas wiped away a tear. " Yeah, I'm only a little bit scared" He replied, somehow managing to keep his voice steady. Not wanting to be asked more questions, he changed to another subject.

"What's your name?" He asked. The dragoness stretched her arm,smiling."I'm Libra! And you are?r" Libra smiled, as Atlas stretched his arm. " Atlas"

And from that moment to the rest of the invasion they talked and talked and talked. Atlas was at first shy, but then he let go-the caretaker had to tell them to shut up already, comment that Libra acknowledged by giggling.

2 days later a messenger arrived, telling that it was safe to come outside. They flew for a while to the village, where what they saw was nothing near what the two friends expected. Some of the huts were burned, others had flames being put out. He couldn't imagine how painful must it have been for the Rainwings, leaving their home. But we need this place to survive...

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