What if Sunny was raised in the scorpion den REWRITE!

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The last Sandstorm had been fatal.

None of the Storm-sighters had predicted this, so the Dune Market's south west was covered with golden sand from end to end. Luckily, no one had been lost or fatally injured, yet some of them needed help removing sand from their post o                                   So for the last few days, the Outclaws had been extremely occupied, aiding those in need or brushing away the sand that now dappled the Den.

  So during the last days, Thorn hadn't been able to check on her egg and now, two days from it's hatching... It was now more urgent than ever to protect it. Thankfully, she had setted a guard over the spot where she hid it, one of her most trusted dragons... Well, one of Six-claws, technically. There was something about Dune that just wasn't right. Either way, he was better there that in any other place and she was sure he wouldn't betray her. 

As the sun slipped over the horizon, Thorn flew over to the spot, a small concentration of tiny dunes to the south of the Scorpion den. Over there, Dune was silently waiting, but not in the way that Thorn expected him to be. Dune had come 5 years ago, along with Six-claws and Kindle, whom she trusted. One of Dune's wings was completely destroyed plus one of his forelegs was reduced to a lump. He wore a pouch, which was rounded  by a...

When she was close enough, a blast of fire blazed from her mouth, hitting Dune right in his flank. He yowled, surprised and in pain as Thorn landed next to him, teeth bared. She grabbed her egg and shoved it carefully behind her. Dune was still pinned to the ground, breathing heavily.

" Why" Thorn growled " Why would you still my egg, you stupid, stupid viper?" Her tail was raised menacingly, the barb charged with the Sandwing's deadly venom.

" I- I" Dune mouthed uselessly. Thorn pressed her hands over his throat, leaving enough air so that he could talk." Fine. We are going to do it the bad way. If you don't tell me, I'll take you to Burn. I bet she will be pleased to see such a familiar face" Except I'm not going to send my Outclaws into that death-pit. Well, he might as well believe that threat. And he did, as he was starting to say something.

"... stop them... The dragonets of destiny.... The egg... Morrowseer..." 

" So. You were going to steal an egg to isolate it from it's tribe for who knows how long because a Nightwing, specifically Morrowseer, told you about this prophecy?" She  neared her tail to his heart. Dune would be dead and the world would be better without him... yet she didn't want to hurt him, even if he was bad. Six-claws would be sad.

" I'm going to let you live just because you were loyal for a while" she snarled, taking of the pressure of her talons over the scarred dragon's throat.

" But" she added, lowering her head so that she could whisper on his ear " but I'll make two things clear. From now on, you are not allowed in the Scorpion den, and stop stealing random eggs because a moon-blasted Nightwing says so" she stepped Dune, who stood up quickly ( well, as quick as a limbless dragon can go)

" Go" she hissed " Go and never come back again" Dune limped away, but Thorn wasn't focusing her attention on the egg. I have to take it back... Needs to be warm enough. She grabbed it carefully and flew back to her home with it between her talons. The egg was due two days from today, on the brightest night, so it needed to be as safe as possible.

.                   .       .

Thorn woke up slightly startled by the cracking sound next to her. Blinking sleep of, she thrusted her blankets to a side and twisted to look at her silver egg. Wait. Silver? WHAT? Two days ago, when Thorn reached the Scorpion den after her encounter with Dune, she had leaved her SANDY-YELLOW EGG below a small skyhole on her tent so that it could have sunshine and heat.

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