Sunny's speech

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So, after the events of the Brightest Night, I really wanted to do something were Sunny talked to them, made them believe that she was worth something ( I mean, they were extremely toxic towards her, even if they actually cared about Sunny). 

Hope you like it!

Summer breeze swooped over the valley below, blue, green and yellow grass rippling like waves. The school was about to open and excitement filled the air. Except... Sunny extended her wings, letting the soft wind shake them as it wished. It was two months  before the school opening, and everything was set. Winglets, classes, lessons... Only the final touches were left. Yet something wasn't right. And it took awhile for Sunny to notice.

A shadow fell over the hybrid as a small wing of dragons arrived. Her friends landed in front of her, shaking the delicate flowers with the beat of their wings. Kind-hearted Clay, brave Tsunami, tough Glory and clever Starflight.

" Sunny, I hope this is worth it, because I leaved Deathbringer and Grandeur on charge and I do not want to go back and watch my kingdom on flames" Glory claimed. Tsunami nodded.

" Yeah. Got things to do, us" Tsunami chimed in, swishing her tail. Sunny took a deep breath. You got this. It's what Mother told you to do and she knows everything. Thorn was right. Sunny adored her friends, no one could deny that, yet she wasn't so sure that they respected her as much as she wanted.

" So?" Tsunami said. Sunny blinked and cleared her throat. Oh, boy, here it comes.

" You all know that the school will be opening in a matter of days-"

" So?" Tsunami interrupted. Anger rose within Sunny.

"THIS. This is what I am angry about" she couldn't held it longer. Her friends stared at her, shocked. " I am angry because you don't listen to me. I am angry because you ALWAYS  keep talking over me"

" I am angry because you all believe I am a brainless, cheerful dragon as smart as a sheep" Tsunami slashed her tail, but her face revealed an enormous amount of guilt.

" You never value my ideas, and I can have good ones! Yet you simply do not care about them. Yet if somebody, like Clay, says the same idea, you will listen to him, but not me! Is that fair? No!"
" Plus, whenever I'm angry, you decide that It Will go awsy, that I'll fo back to being " cheerful , optimistic Sunny" NO! What makes you guys think that my emoticonos aren't valuable or that they'll fade away eventually '
" So, if we are doing this together, I want you to know several things. First, I am not a useless, over optimistic dragon. I have thoughts to! Secondly, I want to be listen to. My opinions are as useful as Glory's or Starflight's and so are my ideas. If you are not able to accept this-" she stopped there, considering her words. They needed to know, though.

" If you don't accept this, I will go. Forever. I love you, guys, but this is getting toxic. My mother has offered me a place at the Sandwing palace, where I can be useful. I really want to stay with you guys, but it's getting unhealthy. So, choose" Tears streamed down her face, full of anger, resentment, sadness by also love. Not for them, but for herself. While she was away, she learnt that she love them, yet she was capable of doing great without them. She learnt that she was independent, and that she needed no one else.

Clay stepped up to hug her, but Sunny wrapped her wings around herself. " No, don't. First choose" Would they be able to accept me this way?

After a while, Tsunami stood up " I can't believe you just- Really- what" she blurted up. Sunny sighted. Tsunami wasn't going to change.

" Alright" Glory said, startling Sunny. She noticed deep purple along the edges of her wings-  Guilt, Sunny identified. " Alright, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you and... well, only this once I'll admit I was wrong"

" Me too. I didn't know you felt like that" Clay said, also tearful. Starflight nodded. Sunny couldn't keep herself from smiling. They understood!

"Arggggggggg.ALRIGHT. I'm sorry, okay! I AM NOT CRYING RIGHT NOW" She shook a tear that started sliding out of her eye.

" Thank you. It means a lot" She opened her wings. All of them hurried to hug her. She sobbed quietly, between her friend's wings. They do care about me! I knew it. They just needed to understand my feelings.

So, guys, I know this doesn't sound like Sunny, but I've had some...problems with my best friend (well, former best friend) and I really wanted to write something like this... You know, nevermind. :,)

AAANYWAYYS, I'm gonna write a christmas special! How does that sound? I'm gonna start writing it now.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! HAAAAPY READING!

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