Messed up

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(Gavi's pov)

It's been two weeks since the break up. I feel like shit not only look like it but I've been not showing up to practice. I never meant to cheat on Gabriella I was drunk and was not thinking. I really miss her and I've been meaning to text her but she blocked me. I really is sorry messed up this time, I miss her touch ,her sent , her everything. I really broke her this time, right now Pedro's coming over just to check on me. I told him I'm fine but in the inside I feel like my heart is suffocating me. With that the doorbell rang.

"Hey man is everything okay I get that she broke up with you but you need to move on man" Pedri said
"How could you say that she was the only girl that understood me and I messed up everything " my eyes started to water. "okay I'm sorry look I'll try and get Gabriella to talk to you but she's not answering my texts either" " alright thanks man but I'm kinda tired so I'll see you at practice tomorrow adios"

I wasn't really tired I just didn't want to talk about Gabriella anymore I was to broken to talk about her. I just layed in bed scrolling through all the photos of me and her. I can across a picture of me and her at the beach where I asked her to be my girlfriend.

That's where we met , had are first kiss , just are first everything

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That's where we met , had are first kiss , just are first everything. Now I sit there and wonder how am I going to get her back. As my eyes start to darken I fall asleep with my thoughts and dreams on Gabriella.

(Gabriella's pov)

I woke up with the sun beaming in my eyes as I got up and looked in the mirror. I saw how horrible I looked with a breakup going on and a pregnancy, my life couldn't get any worse. Today I'm going out for the first time almost every social media platform knows about me and Gavi's break up which is just great. I need to run some errands and just keep my self occupied. These past few days have been rough, Pedri has been trying to get a hold of me but I know he's going to tell me to talk with Gavi but I just can't he hurt me. Although I kind of miss him which I shouldn't because he cheated on me while pregnant. Then agin he doesn't know I'm pregnant with his child and won't know until I'm ready. Next week I'm going to get an ultrasound and find out how many weeks I am, which is exciting. I haven't told anyone besides joao and my best friend Amelia.

(New character)

Amelia (Gabriella's best friend 🤍) 22Model Single

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Amelia (Gabriella's best friend 🤍)

While I'm in the car driving to the shops my best friend Amelia calls me.

Amelia (underlined)

"Heyy how are you holding up?"
"I'm alright I guess but I'm pulling trough"
"Don't worry Because when I come visit you next week we're going clubbing and forgetting all that exist in the world"
"You know I'm still pregnant and still be for the next 9 months.."
" oh shit-shoot yeah I forgot ugh when I see gavi he will never live to see a day"
"Okay calm down I'm fine and we could always do something else"
"Yeah true but anyways Wydd"
" I just pulled up to the grocery store I need to buy food because I now feed for two how crazy but wyd"
"I'm at a photo shoot so I have to go soon but I'll call you later I love youuu byeee"
"Bye love you to"

When I was done shopping there was a ton of photographers asking questions like "how are you holding up" "Is it true that he cheated" " Are you pregnant" the last question hit hard but I denied every single one of them because I don't want problems. Sometimes I wish I was invisible to dodge all of these questions but I guess being famous is a lot to handle.

Hey guys this chapter was alright but let me know if I should continue 🤍

702 words

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