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(Gabriella's pov)
It's finally the day of the check up I finally get to find out the Gender of my baby I'm feel nervous and excited at the same time. My two closest friends came to support me Amelia and Joao which I'm very grateful for I don't think I could of came alone. I'm now currently waiting for them to call up my name.

"I'm so nervous" I said shaking my leg up and down
"Don't be you'll be fine you have us" Amelia says as she placed her hand on my thigh
"She's right you have us and that's all you need" Joao says
"You guys are right I can't do this I'm just feeling mixed emotions right now"

With that the nurse comes out and calls my name.
(Nurse will be underlined)

"Gabriella miller we're ready for you"
"Okay thank you wish me luck guys"

I sat up from my seat and headed to a room where I sat on a chair with cords on the side. She lifted up my shirt and placed cold jelly on my stomach. Which made a shiver go down my spine from how cold it was. She then asked me questions like "how have you been eating?" "Have you gotten enough sleep?"
I answered them with a yes and of course. Then she asked me.

"Could the father not be here today"
"Oh um it's just me"
"Oh I'm so sorry we'll I know you could do this there are many women like you"
Women like me well when she put it like that I felt alone. I pushed my emotions aside and let her do her job.
"Okay so your 4 months pregnant and your doing very well they are healthy and strong, ready for the gender"
"Yes I am but could I call in my friends to let them in on this special moment?"
"Yes of course let me go get them"

A few minutes later they walked in with big smiles on their faces.

"Okay so the gender is a.. BOY"
"Aww I'm so happy for you, I'm going to be a great aunt " Amelia said as she hugged me tight.
"Wow I'm so happy he's going to have the best uncle and soccer mentor" Joao said as they both pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you guys for the support im so excited"

We then left after the doctor gave me some do's and don't. I was now home I ate,cleaned up a bit and took a bath. After my bath I changed into my pj's then I realized what the doctor had told me about how people like me who are single and pregnant. I'm still thinking weather to tell him because I would feel like a bad person if I didn't. But for right now I want to take a break for myself and maybe tell him soon it's just to hard to face him right now. I can't really go out or post a lot with this pregnancy which is hard because I know people grow suspicious and start to make rumors that are not true. Tomorrow I have a meeting with my manager to discuss and announce my pregnancy with her so I'm scared of what she has to say. It might be an end of my modeling career so that makes me even more nervous. I'm also still very very young so if I quit now it will be an end . I wish my parents were here by my side so they could experience this moment with me.

The next day

It's currently 5:30 in the afternoon and I'm heading over to my mangers office my palms are sweaty and I keep overthinking. I just want to be home right now but that's not an option.

"Welcome Gabriella what brings you here today?"
"I have some news and I don't know how you will react when I tell you this.."
"Oh cmon I can't be that bad"
"Okay we'll um I'm pregnant with Pablo Gavis baby"
"Wow-um that's not what I was expecting but I'm happy for you but you know that your still very young and this could ruin your career forever.."
"I know I didn't plan this but the thing is we broke up so I haven't told him the news"
"That's not on me to decide but it's on you so if you think it's best to tell him I agree,but we can't announce this just yet"
"Yeah I don't think I'm ready maybe when he's born we'll announce it"
"Your modeling career is not over yet as your manger I will help you every step of the way to help you as much as I can"
"Thank you so much I appreciate all that you do for me and yeah I have to think about telling him"

Wow that went better than I expected I'm just sad to think that my career might end, I was happy modeling that's all I ever wanted but if I have to give it all up for my baby I will he's my number one priority now. As I went home I FaceTimed Amelia.

"Hey girl what's up"
"Nothing much I just talked to my manager about yk"
"Oh how did that go"
"She surprisingly didn't react the way I thought she would but she said it might end my career"
"Hey hey there's nothing to be worried about your about to welcome a cute baby boy to this world you have me and Joao with you, and all of your other friends"
"Yeah your right thx for the pep talk I'm honestly thinking it's time"
"Okay if you think so I'm happy with whatever you decide but I'm I have to go byeee love you"
"Okay byee thank you love you more"

She's right everyone is right I think it's time, I was overthinking and overreacting it's time he knows. I unblocked all his accounts and sent him a message

        Pablo ❤️

                       Hey Pablo it's me I think I'm
  Ready to talk now  we can meet tomorrow 
Read at 8:30

Hey gabs ofc we can meet at the place ❤️
Read at 8:36

I took a deep breath, this is all going to work out I think.

This is my longest chapter but stay tuned for more drama in the next chapter see you soon 🤍

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1069 words

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