It's happening

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(Gabriella's pov)

I'm finally 9 months pregnant and could go into labor any day. Last week I thought my water broke and made Pablo drive half way to the hospital but found out I didn't. So he was mad but for a day,but got over it because he couldn't stay mad at me. We did a little baby shopping last week or just me because Pablo said I shop to much. But out baby girl needs and deserves anything in the world. I bought her some Dior clothes and designer shoes. She has a better shoe collection than me and Pablo combined, And she's not even born yet.

It's a cold November day in Barcelona, Pablo's is training while I'm at home cleaning and taking care of Sebastian. Sebas has been crying because he misses his dad. So it been stressful taking care of him,cleaning and on top of that I make dinner. Pablo told me not to overwork my self while pregnant but who else would do it. Around 5:30 Pablo came home from training in a annoyed mood. Luckily Sebas won't get to see his mood because he's asleep.

"Hi amor how was training" I said hugging him but he pulled away
"Hey I'm going to shower" he said going upstairs
"Um okay" I said to myself

After he went upstairs all moody I decided to make dinner for him since he's hungry. Maybe he's hangry from training a lot . I made chicken Alfredo and by the time it was done I seen Pablo watching tv.

"Amor dinner is ready" I said but no answer
"What do you want Gabriella" he said groaning
"I was just going to say dinner is ready no need to be annoying"
"I'm not, cant you see I had a bad day you don't even care to ask about"
"We'll I'm sorry but I didn't want to annoy you more"
"Yeah we'll now you did and I'm not hungry"
"I made food for no reason you could've said you weren't hungry you just wasted food"
"Not my fault"
"Whatever Pablo i don't want to be around your stupid attitude" I said waking away but he grabbed my wrist.
"Let go Pablo "
"No because I don't have an attitude and your the one nagging" he said gripping my wrist tighter
"Your hurting me Pablo let go" before he could say anything Sebas came down and Pablo let go immediately
"Papá" sebas said
"Por qué estás despierto" Pablo asked
"No tengo sueño"
"Vamos a dormir"Pablo said walking towards Sebas and caring to him room

I just sat on the couch shocked. Asking myself what I didn't wrong. Why was Pablo being so aggressive towards me? Did I make him this way? I put my thoughts aside and went to clean the kitchen. I put the leftover food Pablo didn't eat in a container. After I was done I wiped the counter and sat on the couch relived and tired. I was watching Gilmore girls until someone turned off the tv. I tuned around to see it was Pablo.

"Let's talk" he said in sorrow
"What gavi" I said not tuning his way
"Gavi now huh"
"We'll yeah that's your name"
"Whatever I was going to apologize but your pushing it now" he said rolling his eyes
"Me I was in a good mood this morning and so were you"
"Yeah I was but I'm even more mad now"
"Gavi I'm tired and pregnant leave me alone I don't have time for this" I said leaving
"Don't I'm sorry" he said sighing
"I just had a bad day"
"That doesn't mean you have put your bad mood on others especially me"
"I know I'm sorry everyone is just pushing my limits"
"Then talk to me gavi don't let your anger get a hold of you" I said pulling him in a warm embrace
"They just think I'm a kid and push me around like I'm 15 or something" he said muffling into my neck
"The team and even pedri i mean I am mature I'm 18 and fully matured"
"No no don't call me that please amor"
"Pablo no one is matured not even us i mean we are still learning and you shouldn't let the little things get a hold of you okay"
"Yeah okay" he said looking at the ground
"Look at me" I said lifting his chin up to face me
"Your not a kid nor an adult yet I mean we are still growing mentally and physically, I mean you want to be called old or what"
"No I think I'd like being called a kid it's kinda a complement, thank you amor sorry for hurting you I would never hurt you ever agian I can't bare to see you hurt especially from me ." He said with teary eyes
"No don't cry amor I'm fine see I'm not even hurt" I said showing my wrist
"Yeah but what if I get mad and can't control myself who's fault will that me mine" he said hugging me tighter
"Listen let's just-" I was about to speak until I felt something drip down my leg.
"What what are you okay whats wrong" he said looking up and down at me
"Its happening"
"Wha- oh sh*t let me go get the bags and grab Sebas you just get in the car"
"Wait wait let me fix my hair an-"
"Amor you look beautiful now go it's time"

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