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(Gavis pov)
Its been almost 4 months since the break up and ever since that call I've grown more and more suspicious. What was she going to tell me i just wonder. Right now I'm heading to practice since I have my own car now. I walk past all the paparazzi asking me awkward questions but I didn't answer them since I felt uncomfortable.

I changed into my cleats and headed over to the field
Where is saw my team talking but I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just started practicing. A few minutes later Pedri walked over to me

"Hola gavi ,¿cómo estás?" Pedri said
"Estoy bien, solo estoy cansado de todo"
(I'm fine just tired of everything)
"Que paso" (what happened)
"Arruiné todo mi relación y solo mi vida, la necesito de vuelta, Pedri" ( I messed up everything my relationship and just my life I need her back)
" Tienes que hablar con ella en persona antes de que sea demasiado tarde" (you need to talk to her in person before it's to late)
"Si, si lo se . Pero Ella no quiere Verme"
"Tienes Que intentarlo"(you need to try)
"Okay Gracias Pedri Por todo Que tu haces hermano"
(Thank you for everything you to for me brother)
"De nada, ahora deja de estar parado aquí como un idiota y ve a buscarla" (your welcome now stop standing here like a dumb*ss and go get her)

When practice was over I left spotify camp nou and drove to her apartment thinking of what to say. I need her to know that she's the one I want to be with her and do everything with her and just her. When I pulled up into her driveway I got out and knocked on the door but when it opened I expected it to be Gabriella but it was JOAO? Like what what is he doing in our house I mean her house now.

"What the f*ck do you think your doing in her house!" I said now angry and confused
"What am I doing ,I'm treating her right something that you should of done" Joao said 
"Listen I don't need your opinion I need to talk to Gabriella, so if you don't mind you should leave"
I  tried pushing to get inside but he pushed me back with that I punched him and he punched my nose. Which started bleeding so I punched his stomach and nose with that he fell back.
"What is going on here!l Gabriella shouted as she helped up Joao
"I was going to talk to but this hijo de puta wouldn't let me in" I said death staring down at Joao as he gave the same glare.
"First of all I don't want to talk to you second of all you had no right to punch Joao because I told him to tell you that I don't want to talk to YOU lastly I need Time, you hurt me so nothing you say is going to make me forgive you ir your actions. Goodbye gavi I'll talk to you when I'm ready."
With that she slammed the door in my face I had a slight concussion but I was fine to drive home . As I was driving I thought ,I should have never punched him but he deserved it so I'm not saying I regret it. I would do anything for her to be in my arm agian but it won't be for a very long time.

(Gabriella's pov)

"Omg I can't believe he just did that let me clean you up. Are you okay?" I said as Joao was bleeding from his lip.
"Yeah I'm fine but it was worth it he deserved it " Joao said as I placed some medicine to his lip to help it heal faster.
"Why can't he just give me time it's been like what 4 almost 5 months since we broke up ugh life is so complicated"
"Well if I were him and lost someone I love I would do the same but more professionally yk but still everything is going to be fine your going to find the gender of the baby soon right so think of that and not him for now you have me and Amelia. We will always be there for you."
"Wow thank you Joao I needed that and yeah I shouldn't be worrying I should focus on the baby and what's best for me thank you for always being there for me love you"
"Okay enough with the lovey dovey stuff let's watch a movie ig you can pick"
"Okay let's go"

(Joao's pov)

When the movie ended Gabriella was fast asleep on my shoulder. I was trying to lift her up without waking her but I couldn't so I just got comfortable.
I've known her since I sighted for Chelsea, I had a little crush on her when we were but I know she would've never felt the same since so I kept it to myself. Right now I'm fine with our relationship as friends we've grown up to be close but never in a romantic way. I finally got out of her grip and picked her up bridal style up the stairs. I layed her in bed and switched off the light and headed to the guest room and fell asleep.

I gave more povs this time I hope you like them and drama In this Chapter but don't worry more drama will be published soon 🤭🤍

Not proof read 👀

920 words

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