To anyone who hates homos

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I just thought of this, and I'm pretty much making it up as I go along, so forgive me if this is a bit.. Open minded. To anyone who hates homo people, you know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and pansexuals, why? I mean, unless if you're one of those people who believe in everything God says, even if it sounds.. Kinda off... Y'know, those people. I am.. Or at least, I think I am, Pansexual. I'm pretty sure about this, and that means that I feel free to date any gender, as long as I'm happy with them, and they're happy with me. I question why you think that lesbians and gays are: disgusting, gross, a.. Disgrace. Forgive me if I'm taking that too far, but I sometimes see people who are like that. If you hate homos.. I would like to know why. Because if you list your reasonings, it'll probably sound something like this, "because in the bible, God says that that's not why he created men AND women," or, "because it's gross that two guys/girls are kissing!" Whatever your reasoning behind it is, it'll most likely look stupid to me.. I'm not trying to offend anyone with this, but it just confuses me on why some people are like that..

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