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Is it easy for someone to make you smile? If I'm in a good mood then yeh

Tell me why you like the last song that you listened to? Cause... It's.. Rihanna man...

What color are your eyes? Brown

Where was the last place you fell asleep in besides your bed? A couch

How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Like 7 or something

Favorite color? Violet

Favorite book series? Explain why? I survived, and caused I'm nerdy and like history..

What would your name be without the first three letters? Ee

Last thing you touched non-computer related? A pillow

What colors are you wearing rn? Dark blue, white and grey

Are you currently in a fight with someone? Yeh my dad if you can't tell..

Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? People on YouTube in the comment section and stuff like that...

Do you have an older brother? No but I have an older sister.. But papst is kinda like an older brother/senpai to me :p

Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried? Who (besides an emo) hasn't?

Do you look at the keyboard when you type? Sometimes.. :p

What are you listening to right now? Myself burping

Do you laugh a lot? man yeh

Are you ticklish? Yeeeeeeee

What makes you happy when you're upset? Making fun of my dad or watching onision videos.. Or just looking at rly positive comments people leave me

Last person you gave a hug to? My mom I think..

Tell me about to shirt/shirts you're wearing? A grey oversized Yale sweatshirt that my dad got me while I still thought he was sane.. *sigh* good times good times

When you are home alone do you close the door when you shower? Yes because I saw the new Fnaf trailer and I don't want a demonic bunny to murder me in the nude

Do you have plans for today? Writing the next chap for met in the city and eating

When is the last time you woke up from a nap? Three hours ago. It's called sleep.

What was on your mind most of today? Dark Pit as always...

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I talk about them online, then I hide them irl

What instant messaging service do you use? iMessage

How long does it take you to fall asleep? I don't really sleep cause of you Scott.... -.-

Do you have any siblings? Do you like them? I have Molly and we have a pretty good relationship for now...

What are you drinking? Popsicle juice

Honestly, if you could go back 8 months ago and change something, what would it be? That I would've been better at what I did, and joined wattpad sooner, cause this is kinda like my second home I guess..

Do you know what you're wearing tomorrow? Definitely not pants

Do you know anyone who smokes weed? My dad probably does...

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