Chapter 3; Family Problems

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The next day, I ride again to the black car and went to the meat shop. I saw Maria and her father there, working. I realized that Maria is really caring for her father.

When she saw me, she hugged me and talked me about last night "Aaron, I dreamed last night that I will become successful but I also wanted to be yours but the mean girls took you away".

I responded "Don't worry, I won't let myself take away from those girls again". Maria smiled and we both buy ice cream in the store and eat lunch at the batchoy house. I realized that Maria is a better friend then mine and I fell even more in love.

While we are heading towards Maria's meat shop, it started raining. We went running until we reached to the meat shop, almost getting wet. We just laughed at each other.

Until I had to go home and Maria responded "We will meet tomorrow at school, right?". I smiled "Yes". Then the car left and I saw how happy Maria was.

When Maria returned to the mountains, Maria saw her mother crying, her father came and was confused "Honey, what happened?".

Then Maria's mother cried "I just got fired from my work at the market. I can't believe Aaron's father did this to me." Maria was shocked "What? But I thought Aaron's father was". Before Maria could finished her sentence Maria's mother responded "Forget it, I will become jobless here at this house".

Then Maria's father calmly walk away and looked at the stars, Maria just looked at her father speechless and she saw her father's face and he look like he wasn't proud enough for her own daughter.

Maria knew about it and was about to rush to her room when someone grabbed her hand, it was her father, Maria just cried and hugged her own father about it.

Meanwhile at my house, I was busy eating when I heard the conversation between my mother and my father, my father mentioned that "I just fired Maria's mother, she just accidentally fell to the slippery floor while the janitor was mopping the floor".

My mother added "Then what happened?". My father added "It was just a misunderstanding until the janitor blamed the cashier and yeah she just tripped until I had enough and fire the cashier because I know she did it on purpose".

Until I had enough and I shouted "Why did you fired Maria's mother? She's a caring mother that didn't deserved to be humiliated". My mother tried to calm the situation until my father just stood up looked like he was about to explode.

"Aaron, did you understand about it, I know it was just an accident". My mother then shouted in front of us "Enough, I had enough of this argument".

Then my mother looked at my father and protested "I want you to un-fire Maria's mother, she worked at our business and she's the best. Our business would fail if she didn't return for a couple of months".

"Honey, I'm just so tired about poor people that I started to have trust issues". My mother stop talking then my father warned me "For now own Aaron, I don't want you seeing Maria again, she's a liar who would steal you're money when you guys get marry. I warned you, if I ever see you with Maria one more time, I will remove you're business account".

Until I went to my room "Fine dad, I hate you". Everything is speechless after that.

That night, Maria didn't sleep even though it's 12am, Maria just stared at the window, then Maria heard footsteps and it was her father and he responded "Maria, aren't you sleeping yet?".

Then Maria calmly replied "Not yet, I'm just not tired about meeting this boy Aaron. I'm always thinking about him that I lose energy about it but I don't care. I'm still not tired ".

Maria's father then put her arm into her daughter Maria and he responded "This what I also felt like when I met you're mother, I would stare at the window about us getting married and it went success. The dream became a reality".

Maria smiled and then started crying, Maria's father then asked "Maria, why are you crying?". Maria then answered "I'm not okay, I think Aaron's parents didn't approve it since I was poor. I loved his deep accent though. He's lucky that he is born in a rich family. If I married him, everyone would think that I marry him just for money and fame".

Then Maria's father showed on the brighter side and responded "I will show you the brighter side, when you're falling in love and then you just stared at the window, it just means that it is becoming true but whenever you go, he will always guide you and you're future children until you die".

Maria was stunned at her own father's response that she just hugged him and Maria's father responded "You really acted like me more than you're own mother. Now hurry up, class is at 6am, you have to wake up early".

The next day at school, I met Maria and she smiled and I also smiled. We both held hands and we don't care about people who we're saying into our backs. Then at lunch we would always eat outside. When we finished, we would walk around the school.

During our walk, I told Maria "Maria, my parents didn't want you to be mine but I don't care, love doesn't have parents, love is like a relationship". Maria agreed "I agree, I don't care about people who we're talking behind our back. As long we are happy, we are happy".

While we we're walking, Maria suddenly tripped and she was about to fell when I catched her, we just stared at each other's eyes and our thoughts responded "Is it really love at first sight? ".

Then we kissed and we dance until we say each other goodbyes. That afternoon, Maria walked past her meat shop and saw her father working tired.

Maria gave her energy drink "Here father, drink this, I'm just so happy today about everything". Maria's father was happy about it and he responded "Hurry, we have to ride in the motorcycle, the car was broken today".

Maria just smiled "Sure". Then Maria hold into her father's hips while taking the dangerous roads and she accidentally fell asleep, her thoughts still bother her and she started dreaming about love.

When Maria came back to her house, Maria's mother went happily excited and thanked me "Maria, thank you for pleading Aaron's father to return my job back. I thought I would just like lose it".

Maria smiled "It's okay mom". Then Maria's mother kissed her daughter in the forehead. Then that night, it was clear and Maria's father gathered Maria outside to see the stars at the moon.

They just stared and Maria imagined that Aaron is with her. She just felt more in love with Aaron.

When she started scrolling her phone, she saw the mean comments and the video went viral, she checked it and saw Maria and me dancing. Then my mother came "Maria, what's this?".

Maria then answered "Mom, we are just madly in love". Then she started shouted and screaming at Maria and responded "Do you know about teenage pregnancy right? One of our neighbors just get pregnant because she met the love of her life and now you wanted to get pregnant again!".

Then Maria's father protected her daughter and replied "Honey, that's enough. It's just a misunderstanding". Then Maria's mother replied again "Misunderstanding? The whole neighborhood is talking about Maria and they even mocking her, calling her a golddigger".

They started arguing and Maria then stood up with tears and shouted "Enough, I don't care anymore. I hate you mom". Then Maria went into her room and cried.

Meanwhile at my house, my father showed me the video and he shouted "How many times I've been warning you about Maria. She's a poor girl living in the mountains here in Kaliliangan. Don't you know about knowing the fact that she is after you're money?".

"Because of it, I'm going to cut half of you're allowance, Aaron, if I saw you with that girl Maria again, I will just punish you more until you gave up on love towards the poor".

Then my father left and I'm so angry at those mean girls that everyone was talking about it. Now my reputation and popularity is going down. I hope they are happy about it.

Thank you for reading Chapter 3, it means a lot to me(。♡‿♡。).

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