Chapter 2; Love-steal

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Maria came back to her home in the mountains and told her father again "Father, I had the best day ever. I went to this batchoy with this guy named Aaron, the boss of the market".

Maria's father smile and asked "What does Aaron looked like? An adult or a teenager?" Maria responded to the question "He's a teenager and he could help us and he is always paying me more bonus than my mother. So please don't tell about it to my mother".

Maria's father was loving and caring to her daughter and because of it, her father would give her daughter money to save up for her collage. Meanwhile her mother was also loving and caring to Maria but less but Maria didn't bothered it and continued to live her own life.

The following day, I met Maria and I hugged her, then my father came and strictly forbid me to hugging Maria "What are you doing Aaron? Stop hugging her!".

I reluctantly stopped hugging Maria but deep down, I was falling for her more. Then we texted the whole night.

Maria is eating dinner when she got distracted by my messages that she had to respond it in the middle of the food until her mother lost it and shouted "Maria, who are you texting too?".

Because of it Maria hid her phone under the chair and responded "Nothing mom". Then they eat food like nothing had happened and Maria hated it.

That late night, Maria and I texted the whole night too until Maria responded "It's been a while since we met, I think I want to go to school tomorrow, summer just ended".

I responded to her text "Did you're mom knew this about our relationship?". Maria then replied "Not yet, when the time is right, I will tell my mom but first I need to tell her that I wanted to go to school just to met you everyday".

I reluctantly agreed. Maria told her mother about enrolling her to her old school again "Mom, I wanted to study again, you will work to the market while I will go to school and ace my grades for you".

Then her mother came and replied "I'm so happy for you but Maria, we're still in poverty but are you sure that I will enroll you back to that old school? I think you still retained".

"I don't care mom, I want education". In the end, Maria's mom agreed and Maria's mom bought her school supplies "Maria, are you happy now?".

Maria just smiled and hugged her mother and replied "Yes". Her father was also happy for her daughter that he would always give her money.

Soon after, Maria was so happier than ever. I would always met her and we would always talk to our life and our future and having children.

Until one night at the mountain, Maria's father wanted to met me on the weekend "Maria, I'm curious about the boy named Aaron you talked about. I wanted to met him in personal."

Seeing his old face, Maria gladly accepted "Sure dad". Then Maria texted me on the phone about it and my parents agreed that I will go there, so I ride on the black car and went to the meat shop. I met Maria and her father and her father was so happy of meeting me in personal.

"My daughter is always talking about you since she got the job. And are you Aaron?". I replied "Yes, I'm Aaron and I heard that you are looking for me. Now I'm here and I wanted to see you're business".

Maria's father agreed and I listened to everything the he said until I asked him "You live in the mountains right?". Maria's father replied "Yes, why?". Then I told him "Maria and I would always talk about how hard life could be, whether you're rich, normal, or poor, and you're parents will always work just to have money".

Maria's father agreed with me  "That's the correct reason why I've been working hear for 2 decades. My brother which you call him uncle Ollie owned this but is now owned by his elder sibling".

Then I saw Maria and she is looking at me like a cute anime girl. I smiled and Maria's father saw me getting closer to her daughter. Maria's father was so happy into meeting me that suddenly he got a call and will come back.

Maria and I got closer and before I knew it, we kissed smoothly and gently until her father came and we stopped kissing and Maria's father didn't look suspicious to me.

While I was in the meat shop, Maria told me "Aaron, I want to confess you something". Then I asked "What is it?". Then Maria told me "I think the mean girls are here, can you just act please like you also bullied me".

Because I also loved acting, I agreed "Sure". When the mean girls came, Maria cried while I bullied Aaron, the mean girls laughed at it and thanked me for bullying Maria until a spider came into one of the girl's head and they screamed and left.

We both laughed and fell. Until Maria's father saw us holding hands, Maria's father asked us "Are you two dating?". Maria and I were surprised at the question until Maria told her father "We're just joking around".

Maria's father just ignored him and went on into his business. Later that afternoon, I waved goodbye to Maria and Maria responded "Promise we will met again tomorrow?".

I replied "I promise".

When I came home from my house, my parents invited me over to eat and everything is quiet until my father told me "I want to ask you a question, who is you're girlfriend that you always met. A poor one or a rich one?".

I told him "A poor one". My father just went silent and asked me again, "What's her name?". I told the name "Maria". My mom was happy that I dated Maria "Wow, the two of you deserved to be a couple".

Meanwhile, my father just shook his head and told everything "You see, there's a fact about imagine it when you marry Maria. She will after you're money, she will spend it like water. That's why I would always choose rich ones over normal and poor ones because they just love money".

"They would just steal everything from you and then kill you or hire somebody to do the crime and what if Maria would do the same for you? ".

I went silent for a while until I stood up "Maria is my girlfriend and I would never breakup with her. She would never steak my money". Until my mother replied "Enough".

I was angry at my father and continued to eat like nothing happened.

Thank you for reading Chapter 2, it means a lot to me(。♡‿♡。).

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