⋆˚✿˖°ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚⋆˚✿˖°

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Ni'la grabbed the cool rag and wiped the excess paste that had started to crust onto her hands. She hadn't had to help heal that many people, but the last one she applied the medicine to was the most annoying boy she'd ever met.

"Thank you, Ni'la," Azakerti said, smiling at her.

"It's no problem," Ni'la pushed her lips into a tight smile.

The girl looked over to her sister for help, but Kiri was still working on her last person before she was done so they could start working on Neteyam. "So, I was wondering-" Ni'la cut him off. "Azakerti, if you don't mind, I want to start working on my brothers' injuries." She said, standing up and putting her hands on his shoulders to force him out of her grandmothers' tent.

When she finally got him out of the tent, Neteyam looked at her with a raised eyebrow as Azakerti continuously tried to ask Ni'la out, to which she always politely refused. "What was that about?" He asked.

"He was trying to ask me out. Again." Ni'la muttered before grabbing Neteyam's arm to pull him into the tent. Once they made it in the tent, she noticed that her grandmother had just finished up her last person, so Ni'la told her brother to go sit in front of their grandmother. "How many times is that now?" Neteyam snorted, causing Ni'la to glare at him.

"How many times is what?" Lo'ak questioned, walking into the tent with Spider right behind him.

"Hey, Spider," The twins greeted as Ni'la swatted at Neteyam's arm. "Neteyam was asking how many times Azakerti has asked me out," She said, scrunching her nose in disgust. Lo'ak blinked at his sister before bursting into laughter.

"It's not funny!" Ni'la defended.

"It totally is," Spider covered his face with his arm.

"How would you feel if someone continuously asked you out after you rejected them?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Couldn't tell you. It's never happened," Lo'ak shrugged, causing Ni'la to groan at his words. The least he could have done was say that he would have had the same reaction as her.

"No, but really. How many times have you rejected him?" Spider asked in curiosity.

"I don't know. He asks me every time he sees me."

"Maybe you should try to be more blunt when you reject him," Lo'ak suggested, and Ni'la pursed her lips at the thought. She didn't want to appear mean or rude, but it seemed that he was leaving her no choice because he obviously couldn't take a hint. "I guess I'll try that next time," Ni'la grumbled.

The two boys nodded at her words before turning their attention to Neteyam. Mo'at was inspecting his injuries, and she asked Kiri to grab some medicine for her. As soon as Kiri handed Mo'at the paste, she instantly applied some to Neteyam's cuts. "Ow!" He cried out in pain.

"Aw, poor baby," Spider cooed, and Ni'la had to bury her face in her hands to hide her laughter.

"I would use yanglabark," Kiri informed.

"Oh, you would?" Mo'at asked before adding, "And who is Tsahik?"

Kiri pressed her hands to her knees to force herself up, "You are grand- move," She pushed Lo'ak out of her way, and Ni'la snorted at her sister's actions while Lo'ak rolled his eyes. "You are grandmother, but yanglabark is better," Kiri insisted, and another hiss of pain escaped past Neteyam's lips.

"It stings' less," She finished her statement, but Mo'at continued to apply the medicine to Neteyam's wounds since it had already been mixed up, and she didn't want to be wasteful.

"It's okay, big bro. We know you have zero pain tolerance," Ni'la teased, and Neteyam grabbed the object closest to him and launched it at his sister. The girl quickly ducked, and the object hit Lo'ak square in the chest. "What the hell," Lo'ak whined, and Ni'la tried her best to stifle her laughter, only to see both of her brothers' were glaring at her.

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