⋆˚✿˖°ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟙⋆˚✿˖°

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"I'm going to kiss you now, okay?"

Ni'la's eyes slightly widened, but she couldn't will any words to escape past her lips as she watched Ao'nung force himself onto his knees.

Now, instead of Ni'la looking down at him, she had to look up at him as he searched her face before slowly leaning down, bringing his lips extremely close to hers. He was waiting for her to respond, to push him away, to make any indication that she didn't want this as much as he did.

But that was Ni'la's problem.

She did want to kiss him. She wanted to kiss him senseless, but something was holding her back.

If a kiss were to be shared between the two, Ao'nung would have to do it because Ni'la was too unsure of herself at the moment to make any moves.

However, when Ao'nung didn't see anything that indicated that she didn't want to kiss him, he brushed his lips against hers as one final warning before fully connecting their lips into a slow kiss. Ao'nung slowly moved his lips against Ni'la's, but the girl still hadn't responded to the kiss, and he thought that maybe he had missed something.

Tingles developed all over the girl's skin, and she felt a warm ball develop in her stomach as her body started to heat up. But as soon as the heat developed all across her body, it quickly faded as Ao'nung pulled away, causing Ni'la to slightly shiver at the cool air against her skin. She realized that he probably pulled away because she hadn't responded to his kiss, but her body was in shock.

This wasn't how she was expecting her night to go, but Ni'la's body ached to kiss Ao'nung at least one more time.

So, Ni'la brought up her arms that had been slacked at her sides and placed them on either side of Ao'nung's face before pulling him down to meet her in a fiery kiss. He instantly responded to her movements as he wrapped his arms around the small of her back, and pulled her body flush against his, causing her to gasp.

Ao'nung took this as his chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, and the action almost caused Ni'la to pull away, but his tongue wasn't aggressive. Ni'la tilted her head to give him better access to explore her mouth as she allowed him to take the lead. His tongue gently massaged hers as he brought his arms to her waist and traced circles on her hip bone with his thumb.

He was definitely more experienced in kissing than she was, as this was her first kiss.

His kisses were intoxicating. They made her feel lightheaded, almost like she was floating on a cloud. They almost sent her body into overdrive, but when Ao'nung slowly pulled away from the kiss, a whine escaped past her lips as she chased after Ao'nung's mouth. "Let me catch my breath," He murmured.

That's when an idea popped into her head as a small smile made its way to her lips, and Ao'nung looked at her confused. Ni'la pulled his head down to her level as she moved her head to the side before she started to kiss down his neck, causing his grip on her waist to tighten.

Soon, his quick breaths came out as shallow pants as Ni'la continued to tease his sensitive skin, and after a couple of minutes, Ao'nung couldn't take it anymore as he pulled Ni'la's face out of the crook of his neck and connected their lips once more.

Their kisses became faster as things started to get out of hand, but when a voice called out their names, they instantly pulled away.

"Ao'nung! Ni'la!" Jake yelled, and Ni'la pushed Ao'nung away as she hopped to her feet.

"Seriously? Why'd you push me?" Ao'nung whined, and Ni'la hushed him as she bent over to pick up the fruit basket. She wrapped one of her arms around the basket as she fanned her face with her free hand, hoping it would cool down her hot face.

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