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Ni'la and Ao'nung anxiously sat as they watched both their fathers pace in front of them while their mothers sat on the floor. Jake had his fingers laced through his hair while Tonowari kept his gaze on the ground.

However, every once in a while, Jake would look up and act like he was about to say something before he clamped his mouth shut, and went back to walking from one end of the pod to the other. The only good thing about this whole ordeal was that Neytiri and Ronal had sent the rest of the kids to the Sully family pod.

The longer time passed by, the more anxious Ni'la grew as she played with the fingers on her hand before Tonowari abruptly stopped pacing. "How long has this been going on?" He asked, pointing between the two teens.

"How long has what been going on?" Ao'nung questioned, confused.

"How long have you and Ni'la been dating?"

"We aren't dating!"

"A couple of days," Ao'nung stated, causing Ni'la's head to snap in his direction. "No, we haven't!" She yelled, and her father looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"Ni'la, there's no point in lying. We already caught you in the act," He said, crossing his arms over his chest, and Ni'la felt her cheeks grow warm in embarrassment as Ao'nung smiled smugly to himself.

This was not how she planned her night going. If she hadn't stupidly kissed Ao'nung on the cheek, then none of this would have happened. She had no one but herself to blame. But what she didn't expect, was for Ao'nung to say they'd been dating for a couple of days when they'd only confessed to each other hours prior.

"Why didn't you tell me you liked Ao'nung?" Jake asked, and Ni'la blinked at her Dad because she thought the answer should have been obvious.

With the way he'd been acting towards Ao'nung, there was no way in hell she was ever going to admit to her Dad that she liked someone. Besides it wasn't any of his business, and she wasn't as close to him as she used to be. Neytiri had been the one she talked to when confessing that she thought she liked Ao'nung.

After the girl kissed Ao'nung on the cheek, her feelings for him became more prominent in her mind. She liked Ao'nung, and not just because he was a good kisser. Because he was.

It almost pained her to think about all the girls he had to of previously kissed to get so good at what he did to her. Ni'la had never felt what she did earlier that day, and she would be lying if she said she didn't want to do it again.

And she couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Hell, it could just be her hormonal little teenage mind going feral inside of her, begging for her to unleash her inner beast.

Ni'la pulled away from her thoughts as she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, and she glanced up to see Jake looking at her expectantly. "Do you see the way you're reacting right now?" She raised an eyebrow. "I mean, you're acting like I committed a crime."

"But if you told me that you wanted to be with Ao'nung I would have sucked up how I felt about you dating," Jake argued.

"No, you wouldn't have. You would have given him another talk about staying away from me," She fired back, and both Tonowari and Ronal looked at Jake with confused expressions. "You talked to Ao'nung about staying away from your daughter?" They asked at the same time.

"No! I told him that I didn't want him and Ni'la dating," Jake defended.

"I see how well that worked out for you," Neytiri snorted, causing Jake to turn and glare at his mate.

"Okay, I understand why Ni'la didn't tell her father, but Ao'nung why didn't you tell us how you feel about Ni'la?" Tonowari questioned before Ronal added to the conversation, "I had a feeling he liked her, but I wasn't going to say anything until he figured it out himself." At this, the Chief and Jake both looked at the woman with bewildered expressions.

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