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Ni'la stormed away from the group of Metkayina boys as she could practically feel the steam flowing through her ears. How could she think that Ao'nung wanted to be her friend? Of course, he was only interested in talking to her because his father was forcing him to. Why did she think that he'd decided on his own?

To think that Ni'la was interested in getting to know the real Ao'nung, not the person he pretended to be, not the Chief's son, just him, plain old Ao'nung, was mind-blowing to her.

She found herself wanting to know everything about him. Likes, dislikes, favorite food, favorite hobby, everything. Ni'la didn't care how big or small the fact about him was because she wanted to learn every little detail to satisfy her growing curiosity.

If someone had told her that she willingly wanted to learn about Ao'nung when they first came to the Metkayina clan, she would have asked them what they were smoking. But things change, people change, she's changed. Ni'la Sully had started to like the one boy who'd done everything he could to make her life miserable.

There must be something wrong with me. She thought to herself.

Of all the people in the Metkayina clan, why Ao'nung? Why him? He was an asshole, so why was she attracted to him?

Because he's hot and strong, and tall, and-. Ni'la shook those thoughts away from her mind as she hastily walked back to the pod.

The more she thought about her anger, the more she felt like a hypocrite because at first, she was only truly making an effort because her dad asked her to. And after a couple of minutes, her anger disappeared, and she felt stupid for storming off in a rage. Besides, it's not like he made fun of her family, even though those other assholes did.

The girl realized that her initial reaction may have been too irrational and that maybe she shouldn't have left the way she did. But she was under a lot of stress because her sister had a seizure, and for a teenager, something like that was scary.

Kiri was her twin, her other half, and if something were to happen to her sister, she didn't know what she'd do. However, Ni'la knew that she should probably talk to Ao'nung, and apologize for storming off without giving him time to explain himself. She had seen how one of Ao'nung's friends noticed her, and the boy had decided to bait Ao'nung.

"Someone needs to punch those boys," Ni'la muttered as she continued to walk back to the pod to keep Kiri company.

Before she made it to the pod, she heard the sound of a helicopter, and her head whipped in the direction of the noise.

Norm had finally made it to the Metkayina clan.

Instead of racing to go greet Norm, she continued her walk back to the pod, and when she made it inside, she saw that her mother and Tuk were at Kiri's side. Her sister looked paler than she should've been, and Ni'la hoped that Norm would be able to figure out what was wrong with her sister.

"Norm is here," The girl informed, and Neytiri nodded absentmindedly as she held her child's hand.

It was breaking Neytiri's heart to see one of her children in pain, and the pain had almost been unbearable when it was two.

After a couple of minutes, Norm and Max loudly made their way into the pod before quieting down when they saw Neytiri's glare. "It's nice to see you, Neytiri," Norm smiled sheepishly before making his way over to Kiri to start hooking her up to machines. "What are all of those?" Ni'la asked curiously, and Norm glanced over at the teen girl.

"This will show us Kiri's vitals. Her heartbeat, brainwaves, and making sure that her body is getting enough air," Norm explained, and the teen girl nodded her head before she felt a hand placed on her shoulder. "We should make sure everything's okay with you too," Max said, and Ni'la shook her head.

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