𝖎. ━━━ sick of home

336 13 18

━━ *ੈ✩‧₊ ❝ ( sick of home ) ❞


chapter one :

━ she had been homesick,
but not for the place she grew up in ━

While Pandora had shared her feelings about the summer feeling so slow about a few weeks ago, the summer had eventually washed right over her. A small breeze in her hair, with her cheeks tinted pink from the early autumn cold, she searched for her friends on the platform. She had spend the last few weeks over the summer at home, walking in the garden and sitting in the estate.

She really couldn't wait to be back at the castle.

While some of the moments at home, should've been considered being peaceful, Pandora couldn't remember the last time she felt that way. While wandering in the estate over the years, more and more memories of her mother ever being there had faded. Pictures had been either destroyed or just boxed up and put away.

The first person the spotted, had to have been Reilly Emrys. Her hair had been put up in a bun and it wasn't easy to miss her blonde locks underneath her dark hair. With a wave, she easily had caught her attention and it didn't take a while until their were in one another's embrace. Reilly spend most of her summers away, and so it would feel like ages every time Pandora and Reilly were reunited again.

"Oh Andie, how I have missed you!" Reilly's soft voice grazed Pandora's ears and she couldn't help but let the smile from before, take over her full expression. The smile reached her eyes once they fully let go off one another, and searched the platform for the rest of their friends.

"I know we aren't that tall, but we should be able to spot Hana and Mikey, don't you think?" Pandora wondered out loud. But just as she spoke those words, Mikey decided to scare the living hell out of Reilly, a shriek erupted from her lips.

"What were you thinking!" Playfully, she hit him on her chest and while Pandora did look at the two, her mind was elsewhere the moment she saw Evan Rosier arrive with his family, reuniting with his own set of friends. 

"Are you going to move from your spot Pandora? Or should we leave you here?" Pandora let her eyes meet Lahana's eyes, who was holding out a hand for her. Pandora took it with a smile, shaking her head from her thoughts and followed behind her friends into the train.

Pulling her through the crowd, Pandora felt her hand slipping from Lahana's, until she grabbed it tightly again. Her shoulder continued to bump into other people and while Pandora wouldn't usually mind, it eventually felt like they were doing it on purpose. 

Most people were quite intimidated by the sight of Pandora, even if she was quiet and not an extrovert in any kind of way, people rather looked anywhere else than into her eyes. While her reason seemed to have been her family's status in the wizarding world, Lahana could agree on the people being intimidated by her for a different reason.

Lahana Patil was a true leader, as Pandora has told her many times before. The two had many differences, while also had a lot in common. While Lahana was confident and composed, Pandora could be quite quiet and insecure in a room full of people. Even if most students looked at them the same, with the same look in their eyes, the two were quite different from one another.

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