Prologue; Agent Ender

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"Isn't it weird how we could pass by each other on the street and we'd have no idea?" Joel asked, his brown eyes reflecting the sunset's beams. The two heros were sat on a rooftop after their fight. Etho inattentively shrugged as he gently combed his fingers through Joel's hair, "I don't find it weird."

"How is it not? We're practically strangers yet somehow I've trusted you with my life before! Isn't that crazy?" Joel laid sprawled out, his head resting in Etho's lap. They did this often, it was a sort of bonding even if they only ever saw each other for hero duty.

"Not really..." Etho spoke such simply of it—it was making Joel a bit annoyed. It was crazy! Wasn't it? "Would you trust a stranger, that guy down there, to save your life? You don't know their name, age, or anything at this point. You've only heard of an alias and seen them once." He had gotten up to peer over the edge of the roof, gesturing to a pedestrian on the ground.

"Would you, Ender?" Joel asked, plopping back down from his crouching position. "I wouldn't say I wouldn't. That's a random guy, you knew I'm a hero." Etho was infuriatingly right, but Joel didn't give up that easily. It wasn't him—Lykos wouldn't give up that easily. No way he would.

"Same thing, you wouldn't. I just think it's kinda weird and cool how much we trust each other whilst not even knowing our civilian identities." Joel looked back to the horizon line, the sun was quickly exiting the coloured sky. "Whatever you say, Koko. I should probably get going before my parents realize I'm gone. Bye." Joel nodded and waved as he watched the other scale the nearby buildings to get back home.

"It's crazy how much I care about a guy who doesn't even know my name." He paused, looking back to where they had originally sat. Joel crawled back to it, opting to lie down in the most comfortable way possible. He stared up at the darkening sky, no stars in sight. "What am I bloody saying? Screw you, Ender."

hero names:
agent ender - etho - ender just bc his special power is teleportation
lykos - joel - lykos is deprived from wolf in greek and that connects to his transformation and special quirks

I always wanted to do a superhero AU! I'm excited for this! Also, the title is from Wish You Were Sober by Conan Gray.

I recommend you listen to it, its so good and it inspired this fic :D

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