11: BEST man

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for context the beginning is just a retelling of a part of last chapter but in ethos pov

Etho noticed Lykos.

The wolf-themed hero was talking with Atlas. Ender figured he could be of assistance, so he walked closer. Lykos spoke, annoyed, "Why are you laughing?" Atlas noticed Etho right away, of course he would, Etho was right there. However, it seemed Lykos was unaware.

"Oh Lykos... you really dumb, aren't you? You walked right into our trap." Etho watched like an idiot as Lykos brought Atlas to the police car; "Says you! You're a complete moron! We know where you've taken Jimmy. And for your information—"  What.

Etho wasn't sure why Lykos would lie—it wasn't even convincing! He knew that Atlas knew better, and Etho was well aware that Lykos knew that Atlas knew. "That's enough, Lykos. Our job here is done." Etho unintentionally grabbed Lykos's wrist, just as he spoke. Lykos pulled away; much to Etho's dismay. 

"Have fun with your boyfriend, we thought you guys already broke up—" Atlas's comment left Etho flustered, "Let's go." He honestly prayed Lykos wouldn't think he was off because of the comment. Of course that'd be correct but he didn't want Lykos to know that. Lykos said something but Etho honestly couldn't care less.

"Why do you keep meddling with Mr. Solidarity's case? We don't have his location, Lykos." Not to pat himself on the back too much, but that was an amazing way to change the topic. Internally and externally. Etho waited for a couple seconds: Lykos heaved a sigh, Etho took it as he should keep going, "Atlas knows if you're lying or not. You lying makes him think—"

It was Lykos's turn to cut him off, "—I'm unreliable and trying to hype us up too much. I know. But don't you wanna just punch his face? I do. Professionalism is something someone worthy of my respect deserves. He doesn't deserve shit." 'Fair enough'  is what Etho would think. Until he remembered a small detail; "We used to be informal before."

Now he sounded like he was interrogating Joel, which was the last thing he wanted, honestly! "Y-Yeah! But that's completely different. You had—you have my respect, but friends exist. No need to be professional around friends. Atlas is different, he's just a bitch—" Lykos stopped himself as his phone rang, he stopped to pick it up.

Etho stopped out of curtesy, he watched as Lykos's expression changed into a larger smile as he listened to the person on the other end. It stretched across his face, making it to his eyes. Etho didn't realize how much he'd missed this smile until he's gotten to see it again up close. It wasn't awkward (unlike how they were now), it was just natural smile. It was pretty like the stars.

"That's great, babe. Could've used you in Queens just now." Babe? Etho couldn't help his curiosity, when did Lykos... and this is his work phone. It must be a hero or someone else at the society. "No they weren't. Though, I was about to punch Atlas in the face. He fucking deserves it! If Ender didn't intervene, I'd say he'd have a black eye by tomorrow." Etho adverted his eyes when he noticed Lykos looked at him.

"Bye, babes. Tell him to make his way to Queen's station 72. They're taking Atlas there... and I don't think it'd be polite of me to leave Blaze's get-together halfway through." Etho thought about it, who could Lykos have called?

"Lets go." The more Etho thought about it, the more it made sense to be one person. Who else could be have been talking to? What other hero wasn't here? "You're dating Cuteguy?" Etho asked, he watched Lykos's reaction. It was loud and big, "What?! No! Why would you think that?!" He let out a squeal of sorts, weird.

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