14: Take Me

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2 days ago — 23 years old

"Finally, Jimmy was starting to think you got in trouble." Owen nudged the blond next to him, who shook his head, "N-No! Not at all!" Jimmy waved his arms around in defence. Scott laughed as he de-transformed, all his magic returning to his necklace's pendant, "It's fine if you missed me, I was starting to think the police were actually intelligent and gave me a jail cell of steel. Turns out it's just iron."

"Plus, I visited your house. Joel got back into smoking." Scott hugged his (unofficial) fiancé, inhaling his new cologne. Jimmy smelled great, like chrysanthemum tea. The blond tensed up a bit in their hug, "He... he did?" Jimmy hadn't seen his best friend at all in the past month, he simply went off of Scott and Martyn's updates.

A part of him was guilty of leaving his best friend without any notice for his villain fiancé, but (in Martyn's words) sacrifices must be made for love. Jimmy was willing to leave Joel for a couple months. It'd be too risky to tell Joel. Plus, they promised him that they'd get Joel to join them! It's not like Jimmy's abandoning him forever.

The blond just hoped that Joel would understand. The brunet had been wronged by the heros himself, he'd understand! It's not like the villains are bad people, they just show the flaws of the Society. That's nothing bad, is it? Joel might be a bit ticked at having to leave their channel and online presence, but they won't have to work another day in their lives!

"I wonder where Bdubs, Cleo, and Martyn are... I made dinner, Scott." Owen smiled as he did his usual greeting to his mentor. "What?! I also helped make dinner!" Jimmy complained at the lack of appreciation for his efforts. "Correction: you tried to cut a tomato, cut yourself, and sat at the dining table whining while I made dinner." Scott laughed, "Are you alright, petal?"

"Yeah, I'm fine—" The basement door was smacked open. They all lived together in Scott's basement, otherwise known as their headquarters. Martyn came stomping down like an angry child with Cleo following him with a knowing smile, "Martyn! You're back from the war—" Jimmy was cut off for the second time,

"DID YOU KNOW?!" The shout from Martyn was unprompted, he was still transformed too. Jimmy was at a loss of words—what was he talking about? "I know what?" He tried to smile to get Martyn to calm down to some extent... it didn't work. "Did you know about Joel?" Martyn's voice was wavering, Scott blocked Jimmy with his arm, "What the hell are you on about, Martyn?"

"Tell me, Tim. Did you fucking know?" Jimmy looked past Martyn: Cleo stood behind him, sighing as he stared at Jimmy, eyes burning through Jimmy's fragile soul. "I—no? What did I know?" Martyn doesn't say anything, he just leaves. He leaves to his bedroom in Scott's basement, slamming the door like a dramatic teenager.

"Geez, what's his problem?" Scott gushed as he walked over to pour himself a glass or water, visibly relaxing as his lover wasn't being threatened by a man who totally could tear him into shreds. "Bdubs and I found something out about Lykos, he's just letting it sit with him. Let the new discovery sink in." Cleo said as she walked over to the dining table, "Good job, Owen."

The tiger-themed villain smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "You're welcome! What did you guys find out about him? His identity?" Jimmy scoffed at that, it's been over a decade no way one measly mission would unmask one of the most experienced heros—"yeah. It's confidential though, I'm only allowed to tell Scott." Jimmy rolled his eyes, 'of course.'

He loved his fiancé more than anyone else in the whole wide world but he didn't appreciate being handled like fine china! Just because he didn't have magical powers doesn't mean he wouldn't be a good man to serve justice. He believes in their cause, what's more? Scott told everyone that he wasn't to ever accompany them on a mission or anything. He didn't want Jimmy to be involved.

Scott seemed to be content with the arrangement, he clasped his ahnds together, "Then today should be a celebration, cheers to unmasking another hero." He held up a bottle of wine they had been saving for a special occasion. 'Today sure is special' Jimmy thought as he was handed a glass with apple juice (he didn't like the taste of wine).

"Cheers to unmasking another hero."

"So? Who is it?" They were in the upstairs guest bedroom of Scott's home. He lived (legally) alone, with most of his civilian income coming from his parents' trust fund. They couldn't discuss this in the bedroom, given the fact Owen and Jimmy were downstairs.

Bdubs was unusually quiet, Martyn was frowning for whatever reason, and Cleo was looking at Martyn. "He needs to know—" Cleo started, referring to Scott. "—I know, he needs to know... but I really wish he didn't." Martyn stood up from the loveseat he often sat on during meetings.

"Lykos is Joel." He decided the best way it say it is to just drop it first and answer questions after. Scott was stunned, taking a few seconds to think of what to say: "Jimmy doesn't know." Was his first response. Clear his fiancé's name before continuing, "Are you sure?"

"I walked in on him, he's 99% Lykos. Unless he was hired by Lykos to pull a trick." Bdubs said, he leaned on the dresser, away from the other villains. They only held this meeting despite getting the news a couple days ago because Bdubs was only free today. "He wouldn't." Martyn interjected, his patience for reality was quickly dwindling.

"What does he think he'd achieve by being a hero? He has friends, a job, fans—what could be possibly want?" Martyn pondered on his question, pacing back and forth the bedroom. "I can ask him, as Bubbles." Bdubs offered, only for it to be declined, "I don't wanna know why."

"Maybe he has a saviour complex. Sounds like Joel." Scott snickered, thinking about his high school friend. They go back to Senior year, when Scott first transferred (now that he knows Joel was already Lykos by then, it's sickening). They were academic rivals of sorts, granted Scott always won but he humoured Joel's efforts to 'win.'

"What's the plan now, Martyn?" Cleo asked, fidgeting with her gas station lighter. "He won't give up that easily, I know he won't. Once he feels needed or whatever he'll run off to do his hero duties..." He paused, it was like a lightbulb went off above his head.

"I got it."

Now whenever Jimmy scrolls about their garden, he has to wear Scott's clothes. Not that he was complaining much, he just wished he didn't have to. As he walked about the backyard, he heard voices from the second floor: "Jimmy doesn't know." Scott said, followed by more incoherent words and phrases. Jimmy looked up at the window, if only he were Martyn. If only he could shapeshift so he could know what the heck they were talking about.

Jimmy loved Scott very dearly, he just felt a bit unease with all the secrecy. Scott told him that once he moved in he'd be able to be let in on these conversations, but apparently not. Jimmy felt utterly useless pondering about all day—he needed a hobby. He would play minecraft but it's not nearly as fun without his chat and Joel talking and commenting on his gameplay.

He knew that if he asked for stuff Scott would steal it for him... he just didn't know what to ask for. He didn't really like reading, chess, collecting, board games, knitting, embroidery, furniture flipping, cooking, baking, drawing—gosh everything he liked to do was outside or with Joel. And he couldn't go outside at least for the next couple months.

Jimmy had an idea.

If he couldn't go outside to do the things he liked to do, then he could just get Joel. Joel would know what to do together, right?

i have returned and omg 4.6k views?? (if you guys didnt know i took a week break cuz its exam season lol) thank you guys so much!

i'm happy that you guys like this book, and i'm hopeful that you guys will like where it goes (because it only gets more chaotic from here, trust me)

also some more of the villain's side of things since ik you guys have been wanting more of the mean gills (i think lol)

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