Chapter 1 | Enter Bibimon!

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This book is an experiment! Don't Expect Much!

With Y/n...

Y/n suddenly woke up in the middle of the first. He looked around to see if any of his friends were around and he then started to get nervous.

Y/n: "S...Sora? Tai? T...TK?"

Y/n got up and looked around his surrounding to see it was just trees and a big shrub. The sky was also a weird color that he couldn't yet distinguish.


The nearby bushes then began to rustle as then Y/n looked at the bushes as each second the bush seemed to shake Y/n began to get more terrified.

Y/n: "Sora! I... Is that you?"

Y/n was now backed up against a tree as he continued to watch the bush shake till he closed his eyes.

???: "Hey there, Y/n!"

Y/n opened up his eyes to see it was a four-legged yellow creature with a white thunderbolt on top of its forehead.

Y/n opened up his eyes to see it was a four-legged yellow creature with a white thunderbolt on top of its forehead

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Y/n: "Ahh!"

Y/n cowered in fear as the yellow creature then got closer to Y/n.

Bibimon: "I've been waiting for you for so long! I'm Bibimon! We're partners!"

Y/n slowly stopped cowering as he slowly lowered his guard at Bibimon.

Y/n: "Partners? So you're not h... here to hurt me?"

Bibimon: "Of course not! Why would I do such a thing?"

Y/n slowly got up with the small bag that he had on him as Bibimon began to circle Y/n.

Y/n: "Are you a type of puppy?"

Bibimon: "Nope! But it's best if we answer questions with the others"

Y/n then looked at Bibimon who smiled at him and bounced around as Y/n looked around once again for his friends and saw that they were not there.

Y/n: "U... Um... Do you know where my friends are?"

Bibimon: "No, sorry! But if we look together we can find them! Plus they might already be with their Digimon by this point!"

Y/n: "There's more of you?"

Bibimon nodded.

Bibimon: "Of course! 

Y/n slowly nodded as Bibimon, began to lead the path ahead, but not before long he then tumbled, then speed walked over to Bibimon's said and to his surprise was surprisingly light and held him up in his short stubby arms...

Y/n: "Are you okay?" 

Bibimon: "Yup! Just not used to walking on these!"

Bibimon then wiggled his four legs as Y/n then chuckled then a voice then call directly out in his direction.

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