Chapter 3 | Garurumon

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This book is an experiment! Don't Expect Much!

The group was walking through the forest once again, and Y/n was walking next to Sora holding her hand, while Biyomon and Pulsemon walked next to the pair. That was until Y/n tugged at the side of Sora's shirt to grab her attention.

Y/n: "Sora?"

Sora: "Yeah, Y/n? Do you need something?"

Y/n: "When can I have my candy back pretty please?"

Sora: "Y/n, you know not allowed to have that with you,"

Y/n: "Oh..."

Sora: "I'll tell you what, every time we take a break I'll hand you one piece of candy, does that seem fair?"

Y/n nodded his head and Pulsemon saw this and began copying the motion with Y/n keeping the same rhythm as him, and this made Sora giggle a little and with her free hand patted the top of Y/n's head,

Tai: "Yo, Agumon!"

Agumon: "What's up, Tai?"

Tai: "I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?"

Y/n: "Yeah we can't you be big no more? Did you not drink your milk?"

Pulsemon: "Hahaha! Nope! But we can't stay in champion form for too long uses too much energy!"

Tai: "I guess that makes-"

Y/n: "Tai, watch out!"

Suddenly Tai stopped as he came near to falling off the edge of a cliff, and Agumon was holding Tai's shirt from behind to ensure that he wouldn't fall, and the group laughed, as Tai fell on his butt from being pulled back by Agumon.

Tai: "That was close hopefully we don't run into anything else..."

As Tai said that a huge grey Digimon appeared directly behind them, letting out a roar as the group slowly backed up.

As Tai said that a huge grey Digimon appeared directly behind them, letting out a roar as the group slowly backed up

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Sora: "Tai! Stop jinxing us!"

Y/n: "Dinosaur!"

Pulsemon: "That's not a dinosaur! That's Monochromon!"

Tentomon: "It's a Monochromon. But don't worry about him. He's a laid-back Digimon. Although, it is wise to be a bit cautious with a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry,"

Tai: "Then he must be starving, 'cause he looks really mad!"

Y/n: "Do they eat candy?"

Mimi: "I think he likes to eat things like us!"

Another loud roar comes from behind them, and the group turns to see another Monochromon coming toward them. Sora stepped right in front of Y/n as well as Pulsemon to protect, as their backs then hit a rock behind them.

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