Chapter 4 | Firepower

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The group was once again walking through the forest with Y/n having a piggyback ride on Sora as the group was crossing an area with road signs posted between the trees, as then all of a sudden a large gear then passed over their heads, making a loud noise.

Sora: "Wha-- hey!"

Tai: "Whoa, did you hear that?"

Matt: "It seems to be some sort of aircraft,"

Y/n: "Looks like a Beyblade!"

Sora: "It looked like a big flying gear,"

Izzy: "Admit it, my alien theory is becoming more plausible,"

Joe: "Yeah, they hit us with an anti-gravity ray to make us all crooked!"

Tai: "Or maybe that sign's just crooked,"

TK who was walking with the group, suddenly slips while he was climbing up the small hill where the bigger kids are, but before he falls is helped up by Tai.

Y/n: "TK!"

TK: "Whoa! That was scary!"

Tai: "Watch it! That could've been a snake or worse!"

TK: "Oh boy, I'm sorry. Hey Biyomon, are there snakes here?"

Biyomon: "No, just giant flying killer bugs and other unpleasant Digimon,"

Patamon: "Don't you worry, TK, I'll take care of them!"

TK laughs and hugs Patamon. The group smiled at the two as they then continued their venture to who knew where.

Sora: "Okay, now that that's settled, let's get going,"

Matt: "Nothing's settled, and where would we go? We don't even know where we are!"

Tai: "This is silly, I say we keep moving and see if we can find any signs of intelligent life here,"

Biyomon: "Hey wait a minute, is he saying digimon are unintelligent? Is that what he's saying?"

Pulsemon: "I will let you know I can do my multiplication tables!"

As Pulsemon started bragging about his intelligence Y/n just looked at his partner in pure awe, with stars in his eyes as Sora giggled to herself.

Y/n: "Woah..."

Sora: "Not at all. But I think Tai is right. We need to keep moving in hopes of finding out where we are. We need to stay calm and stick together. Let's remember, we're in this together,"

Biyomon: Together sounds good! Right Y/n?"

Y/n just nodded his head at Biyomon's question as Sora smiled at them.

Sora: "We can do it! This'll take teamwork. And I'm sure we'll figure out exactly where we are and how to get back,"

Pulsemon: "Uhm... Sora?"

Sora: "Not now Pulsemon. There's no point in splitting up because then, once somebody did figure it out, we-"

Y/n who was still on the back of the Sora gave her two small taps with his tiny hands, as Sora then opened her eyes to see that the rest of the group has moved on without them. The four of them run to catch up.

Sora: "Well thanks a lot for waiting!"

Matt: "Moving right along folks, keep it moving. Our next stop on the tour will be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please!"

Sora: "We're lost, and these guys are making jokes,"

Joe: "Hey wait up, my shoelace is broken!"

Mimi: "You need new shoes. Oooh, new shoes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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