Chapter 1:

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I drummed my fingers on the table as I waited for the bell to ring, my eyes anxiously darting around the room full of kids my age. A pair of eyes did manage to catch my attention, but I didn't let him see that I was staring at him. Corey Lyons was all a bad boy could be. He smoked at lunch, behind the school, he had sex with anyone he wanted and he cussed and had piercings.

And did I mention he was so hot? With those piercing emerald green eyes and golden blonde hair that was perfectly spiked, any sane girl would be aching for him. He looked like a damn Greek god for crying out loud.

The bell ringing broke my train of thought and I grabbed my bag and ran from the room, listening to my heels clicking on the linoleum as I ran for my locker. I had to get out of this place and soon before I went nuts. Footsteps behind me caused me to stop what I was doing and I spun and found myself pressed up against the lockers by none other than....


I shoved my twin back and glared at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked and turned the dial for my locker and opened it, pulling out the books I needed and putting in the ones I didn't. Then I shoved them in my back pack and sighed.

"Stay away from Corey, Liz. He's bad news." Ethan said and I stared into his eyes that matched mine.

"I don't talk to Corey, Ethan. So you don't have anything to worry about." I said and shut my locker than pushed past him, which I have no idea how I did considering there's over a foot height difference between us.

"Well, I'm just saying. I know most of the girls here are falling head over heels for him. With your record Liz, your known for falling for the bad boys." Ethan snorted and followed close behind me.

"Oh shove off, Ethan. I can handle myself." I said and smacked his chest, effectively making him shut up.

"Did you just hit me?" He said and held a hand to his chest. "I'm hurt Liz, you hurt your own twin brother. Shouldn't you be feeling my pain now too?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the comical expression on his face right now. "Oh shut up, dumb ass. We're twins, but we're not conjoined. I don't feel your pain."

"Well that sucks. Now how am I going to sell you to the circus?" He said and laughed out loud, bringing the stares of the popular bitches who seem to love Ethan.

"Oh fuck off." I said between laughs as one of the girls, missy, walked up to us in her too tiny clothes and tried rubbing herself on Ethan's arm.

"Oh god, Liz, help me. She's going to eat me!" Ethan yelled and tried to hide behind me. I chuckled and stared at missy.

"Can we help you missy?" I asked and was met by a glare from her little crew.

"Actually you can, by moving your ugly ass." She said and put her hands on her hips. "You're standing between me and my husband to be."

Ethan screamed in fear and ran away, and I couldn't help but double over laughing. But when missy stomped her foot and snorted I stood up and looked into her eyes. Those brown orbs glared at me and her face was red with anger. Her blonde hair hung limply around her shoulders and she sort of looked like a drowned rat.

"No matter what you say, Elizabeth, Ethan will be marrying me, not you." She said and pressed a bony finger into my chest.

I busted out laughing and caught the attention of a few hot guys, but I didn't give them any focus right now. As I wiped tears from my eyes I saw missy getting more and more pissed off. I sighed and set my bag down and cracked my knuckles.

"Lookie here, bitch. If you haven't noticed already, me and Ethan are twins. That means we are blood related. And if I still need to explain it, that means we can't get married to each other." I said very slowly and watched her mouth open and close like a fish stuck on land. "Close your mouth, flies might land in it."

I grabbed my bag and went to walk away, but a bony hand wrapped around my pony tail and yanked me back. So without a second thought, I relinquished my hold on my backpack and spun, connecting my fist to Missy's nose. She screamed and I saw the blood dripping down her face. Her eyes flashed with anger and she went to attack me, but I side stepped and slammed my foot into her stomach.

She landed hard on the cement and went to grab my ankle, but a swift kick to her ribs made her stop. I kneeled down, grabbed her hair and pulled her face to stare into mine.

"Okay, bitch. You wanted to play games? At least find someone that's on the same level. Because, honey, I beat that game years ago." I said and spit into her face before I stood up, brushing off my shorts before grabbing my bag and walking off, but not before I noticed a certain green eyed boy grinning at me. Dimples showed in his cheeks and I walked faster to get away from the group forming in the quad.

"What happened?" Ethan asked as I came around the corner of the building.

"Take a look for yourself." I said and kept walking towards my car. As I was unlocking it, I felt myself being watched and turned and saw Corey getting onto a black Motorcycle. And God, he was sexy. His muscles bunched under the black t-shirt and he sent me a sexy side smile before he peeled out of the parking lot and out of sight.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I climbed into the driver seat and waited for my nutcase twin brother. But he didn't make me wait long.

"Drive, drive, drive!" He yelled as he jumped in and I saw the principal coming our way. So I did exactly as he said and left the school as fast as I could. "Damn, Liz. You fucked missy up big time."

"You're damn right I did. No one grabs me and doesn't get punched." I said and focused on the road.

"She got more than a punch. Did you get hurt at all?" He asked and began to play with the radio.

"Nope. She never got the chance." I said and chuckled.

"Good. Maybe now she will leave me alone. Im not marrying her. Ew. God knows what diseases she's got." He said and I saw him shiver from the corner of my eye.

"Let's hope you never fuck her." I said and laughed at the look of utter surprise on his face.

"Im insulted, Liz. I'm smarter than that." He said and placed a hand over his heart as if he had been insulted.

"Are we sure?" I asked as I pulled up in front of our house.

"Okay you got me there." He said and I laughed. I loved having a twin.

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