Chapter 5:

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I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. My business is finally getting known and it's taking up a lot of time. Plus I was in the ER yesterday, and have been trying to take it easy today. I love you all. Hope you enjoy this update!


I woke up when I was being set down and my eyes flew open, to see Connors smiling face. He set me down on a big fluffy bed and I smiled and snuggled into the down filled pillow, inhaling the scent of Connors cologne.

"Good morning, beautiful." Connor drawled and I nibbled my lower lip as I looked up at him. "You're on my plane, we'll be landing shortly so you can go back to sleep if you'd like, or feel free to shower and wander around. Your suitcase is on the floor."

"Thank you Connor." I said and smiled at him even more.

"you're welcome, love." He said as he softly kissed my lips, then left the room, pulling the door shut behind him. I got up and languidly stretched, feeling my muscles contract and loosen. Once I was awake enough I unzipped my suitcase and pulled out a pair of distressed faded blue jeans and a baggy black t-shirt, along with a pair of black lace panties and then went and took a shower and thought about the conversation with my dad.

"So what is so important that we all had to be here?" I asked as I held the cup of coffee tight in my hands, that were trembling slightly from the after shocks of what Corey did.

"I told you I needed to explain the contract." My dad said and dropped his head into his hands. "I'm so sorry, Eli. I didn't mean for this to happen to you."

"What's happening daddy? I'm so lost right now!" I cried and stared at him, and his face was filled with anguish and distress.

"I signed a contract with Corey's father back when I was a teenager. It basically said that my first born daughter would marry his first born son to keep the peace between our two gangs. You weren't supposed to meet Corey until your eighteenth birthday, but look how that ended. I'm so sorry, my baby girl." My dad said and I felt my heart sink.

"So you just signed me over?! You sealed my fate before I was even thought of?!" I yelled and stood up, my legs trembling.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered and I grabbed my mug and threw it across the room, watching the porcelain shatter and the brown liquid drip down the wall.

"How could you?!" I hissed before running away. My fate was sealed.

I slid down the wall and sobbed into my knees, I belonged to Corey. No matter what I did, I was going to have to return to him... No matter how far I run, I would end up back in Corey's life.

"Liz?" Connor asked as he knocked on the door and I quickly wiped my tears and finished my shower, then wrapped a towel around my body.

"Yes?" I replied and stared at myself in the mirror.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I opened the door and smiled softly at him. "Wow. You look... Wow."

I blushed at the fact I was only in a towel. But Connor came closer and softly ran his fingers over my cheek, softly making my body melt into his and then he pressed his lips against mine, igniting a fire low in my belly. A moan escaped my lips and that set him over the edge, he wrapped me tightly in his arms and lifted me up, making me wrap my legs around his hips.

He softly laid me on the bed and pulled he towel open, examining my naked body and oddly, I didn't feel shy anymore. I clenched my thighs around the warmth pooling there and watched his green eyes darken with lust before his lips clamped onto one of my nipples and he sucked.

I moaned out and arched my back, struggling to stay still. Without realizing it I dug my nails under his shirt and yanked it up, and he released me to take it off and toss it onto the floor. Then he kissed me deep, swirling his tongue around mine and I moaned into the kiss, my breathing ragged.

"You taste so good." Connor groaned against my lips and ground his hips against my mound, making me gasp and open my legs farther. He quickly reached between us and unzipped his jeans then all of a sudden, he thrust into me. The pain was there, but it quickly melted into pleasure and I moaned loud, scratched down his back.

He thrust into me quickly, and I suddenly felt something tighten inside of my belly then it suddenly expanded, and I came hard. When he stilled above me, I knew what happened and was pleased that I could pleasure him. A soft kiss landed on the corner of my mouth before he got up, then softly wiped my thighs with the towel before leaving the room.

I got dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a black tank top, not even putting on underwear, and then slid on my black slip on boots. All of a sudden a voice came over the intercom.

"Please sit down and fasten your seat belts as we make our landing. And welcome to Ireland Elizabeth." A man said then I left the bedroom and sat in the chair next to Connor.

"Ireland? You brought me to Ireland?" I asked as I stared out the window in fascination, the rolling green hills made me smile and I wished I had a horse to ride those hills with.

"Yes, I brought you to my home, and I hope you love it. There's so many of my family I want you to meet before we marry. We have to start planning that too. And get you a ring. I'll take you shopping later if you would like for a new wardrobe." He said and linked his fingers with mine. "This will be your home too, beautiful. I want you comfortable here so that we can have many babies."

"Babies?" I asked with a gasp and my gaze locked on Connors.

"Yes babies. We have a huge house to fill." Connor said with that boyish grin.

My heart sped up at the thought of me carrying Connors babies inside of me. It was a nice thought, but was I ready to be a mom?

"Don't over think it love, when you get pregnant, then that's when we start. Until then, we can go shop for whatever you want." Connor said and laced his fingers in mine. "I love you, Liz. Always have and always will."

Maybe a family with Connor wouldn't be such a bad thing. I love this man with all that I have, and I wouldn't want another man in my life. Somehow my mind kept drifting to Corey and I felt my heart clench as my stomach flipped and I got up and ran, hearing Connors voice muffled as he yelled for me. I made it to the bathroom and to the toilet just as my stomach rejected all the food I had eaten.

As I sat there gagging, I didn't realize Connor had come in and was rubbing my back. His voice was muffled and my eyesight was fading. My head was spinning and my body got really warm before I felt my muscles collapse and I slid to the floor.

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