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OJ ran down the stairs of the hotel, his stomping inhumanly loud. Everything was amplified beyond proportion. He can feel his heart beating against his body and a swelling pain blossom in his head. Running from something, he thinks vaguely. But he can't place his finger on what it is. All he knows is he's being watched. Being listened to.

 The stairwell morphs into a long, twisting hallway. The colours collide and crash against one another like waves in the ocean. He can hear whispers behind him. Whispering things he can barely comprehend but what he can comprehend is that they're about him. Terrible things. Forbidden knowledge. He looks back, and he's met with a black void, slowly consuming the hallway. Slowly coming toward him... hungry for his flesh. 

And he's running again. OJ faintly registers screaming, but that might just be him because he can feel his throat burning like it's on fire. The whispers become more and more vicious, bouncing off the walls and crashing into OJ. He trips and falls face-first into the carpet. The darkness has crawled upon him and consuming his heart. 

What he finds is much more horrifying than just pure darkness. 

An art gallery of statues. 

Of his victims. 

"BLUEBERRY", one read in black, bold letters. With his head and body grotesquely battered in, his eyes boring into OJ, blooding pouring from his mouth. 

"You," it rasped, pointing at him accusingly. OJ stumbled back, fear entering every bit of his body. It's voice was like nails on a chalkboard, drumming against OJ's head like a sledgehammer against a skull. "did this."

"We have not forgotten." another laughed, it's slimy, cold hand gripping OJ's wrist painfully tight. Jerking away, OJ discovered who had spoke. Trophy. Covered in grime and blood, maggots were pouring out of his eyes and out of his mouth. 

"HE IS A LIAR!" Balloon screamed, piercingly loud. It echoed and thundered. He looked like Frankenstein's monster, some bits of him duller than others and stitches running through every piece of his body. "You will never be free."

"Can you see us?" Testtube asked hauntingly, her looks in likeness to that of a zombie. Her eyes were soulless and her voice empty. "Are you happy with the result?"

And suddenly the maggots were boring into his eyes and eating his flesh and tearing his skin...

And he woke up in a cold sweat.

A/N: sorry lol this is more of a filler than anything, because i've been stumped on what to write. i thought emo nightmare scene would be cool xd

also if you're confused on why oj is the murderer.... dw i am too. i'm still figuring out his motive rn so that's why i haven't presented one yet.

if by now you're realising i'm terrible at planning stories, you'd be absolutely right. i didn't plan this story at all—it was more writing it on a whim and a fun little project, so that's why the writing is kinda trashy and the pacing and plot are totally wacky! 

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