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Testtube felt a mix of emotions, none of them good, and a thousand thoughts shooting through her mind. How could a piece of Fan end up at the crime scene? OJ had instructed them to not talk about it to anyone, as to not cause panic in the hotel. 

Testtube felt shaky, she knew what conclusion everyone jumped to immediately. The conclusion she denied. The conclusion that framed Fan as a murderer, or an accomplice of one.

 She thought the idea was stupid. How could that piece of Fan become so tightly wedged in the floorboards? What advantage would Fan have by sticking a bit of him in the floor? It's absolutely ridiculous. The murderer must've put it there to confuse them!

Testtube tried to explain this to the others, but they barely listened to her. At least Candle nodded politely in her direction! She could feel anger bubble up at the thought of it, the thought of others thinking Fan could do something so horrible. She had to tell him, at the very least warn him.

But... she couldn't account for Fan's missing piece. It never appeared until a day prior to the discovery of the murders, and when she asked Fan about it he gave a lame and admittedly unbelievable lie. 


"Oh, this?" Fan laughed, pointing to the missing piece. "Don't worry about it! I was messing around outside yesterday and it ripped when I ran into a tree! The branch ripped it off, to be precise." 

"Oh, alright!" Testtube smiled in response. Fan had barely gone outside yesterday, Testtube would know since she had been with him almost all day, so it seemed unlikely... but whatever. She didn't question it any further. It wasn't her business. 


Testtube wished she did challenge his response, but quickly dismissed this thought, knowing she still had to trust in Fan to prove his innocence.

She rushed into the elevator, quickly pushing the button to the floor where Fan's room was, in hopes he would be there. She wasted no time when the elevator opened it's metal doors. Knocking furiously on Fan's door, her worry only deepened when he didn't respond. It was evident he was not in his room.

Groaning in exasperation, she ignored the elevator and ran down the stairs down to the ground floor. By the time she arrived, she was sweaty, bedraggled and had a insane look in her eyes.

"What happened to you?" Silver Spoon scoffed haughtily, towering over Testtube.

"Where's Fan?" Testtube snapped, ignoring Silver Spoon's remark. Silver Spoon look offended for a moment at Testtube's rudeness.

"As if I would happen to know where that buffoon is!" Silver Spoon laughed loftily, waving her away. Testtube stormed off in annoyance, wanting to yell his stupid silver head off. Silver Spoon is the buffoon, not Fan!

Fan! Come on, where are you?  Testtube thought urgently, panicking further as Fan was nowhere to be seen. Checking every nook and cranny, her search proved fruitless. Tears of frustration pooled in her eyes. She was well and truly ready to give up.

"Testtube?" Fan said. His eyes widened in worry when she turned to face him. He raced over to her immediately, his first impulse was to comfort the upset tube. "Testtube, are you okay?" 

"Oh, Fan, it's horrible! Please, let's talk about this private.." Testtube exclaimed shakily, leading Fan to the elevator. Her stomach was twisting into knots and her knees wobbly. Fan pressed a button, and the elevator soon started to zoom upwards.

Fan glanced at Testtube, pondering what could have made her so terrified. As they exited the elevator, Fan could've sworn he heard a small clatter in the spacious vents above. By the time Testtube arrived at Fan's room, she looked like she was gonna faint.

Testtube shut the door tightly and flopped onto Fan's bed. She stayed like that for a few minutes before getting up and facing Fan, who was sat comfortably in a chair.

"So," Fan began, looking expectantly at Testtube. "What happened?"

Testtube's frown deepened before she began to tell the story, "Well..."


"What is a piece of Fan doing at the crime scene?" Knife asked, taking the piece out of Testtube's hand to examine it further. The whole room—or well, closet—was silent. Nobody could answer Knife's question.

"Well, it's awfully clear to me that Fan is the murderer!" Nickel spat out, furious. He turned to glare at everyone in the closet, watching closely for their reactions. 

"No—you can't just assume he's the murderer because a small bit of him is here," Candle frowned, walking over to Nickel. She put his hand on him in a motherly way. He just rudely shook her off, not wanting to be touched or comforted. Candle refrained from touching him again.

"She's right," OJ sighed. Then, his face seemed to light up. It was as if a lightbulb appeared right above his head. "He could be an accomplice, perhaps?"

Testtube just stood in shock horror, her mouth agape and her brow furrowed angrily. How dare they even think that Fan could be a murderer! He couldn't...he wouldn't... ever!

"You're wrong!" Testtube said suddenly, grabbing everyone's attention. Candle looked at her expectantly, wanting her to expand on her point. "Why would he leave a piece of himself at the scene? Why would the murderer do that? That's just so utterly stupid!"

Nickel seemed to ponder this point for a few minutes before responding. He stamped over to her before replying, "Well just maybe he didn't have enough time to clean up the crime, and accidentally left it there!"

By this point, Testtube and Nickel were now in a heated argument, yelling and saying terrible things to each other. OJ and Knife had to pull the two away, to prevent them from ripping each other apart.

"We aren't saying that Fan is most definitely the murderer, but now he is a suspect. Don't tell anyone, it could cause panic. We'll deal with Fan soon." OJ said. Testtube didn't stay to listen to the rest of his speech, storming out.


"Oh... oh my goodness..." gasped Fan. He couldn't believe this. His own friends thinking he could do something so terrible, so heartless.

"We have to clear your name!" Testtube exclaimed while shaking Fan, her eyes wide. Fan took her hands and held them firmly. Her hands were cold and sweaty, his grip sturdy and his hand warm.

"It's okay, I'll be fine. We'll  be fine. We can find evidence to help clear my name." Fan said, standing up. Testtube nodded, holding Fan's hand like a lifeline. She went in front of him to open the door.

Fan started to talk, not noticing Testtube had stopped suddenly at the door. He bumped into her, not realising. Then he heard a sickening noise...


"OH MY GOD!" Fan screamed in horror.

Murder At The Hotel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now