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tw: child abuse, self-harm, homophobia, suicidal thoughts, violence, strong language, domestic violence, etc.

"We aren't dating mom..!" I protested, my mom wouldn't stop asking the same question over and over again and Minji looked embarrassed as her cheeks were red, lips were pressed together the entire time, and she kept looking at the ground.

"Okay, okay fine. I'll be going to my room, have fun. But not too much fun!" My mom said as she wiggled her eyebrows as she walked out the room.

"Holy shit!" I yelled right as she walked out.

I sighed loudly in relief and then looked at Minji, her cheeks were so red! I've never seen her like that and it's kinda funny.

"Didn't you say that I looked like a homeless person who got hit by a bus and then got banged by like four men in one day? Cause it doesn't really seem like you mean that right now!" I teased her.

She then suddenly looked at me and she looked pretty serious.

"Uhhh why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Im not a fucking lesbian, Y/N. It didn't mean anything so don't get your stupid hopes up.." She said as she got up and grabbed her stuff and left the room. She slammed the door on her way out.

I flinched a bit at the loud door slam and I was left extremely confused.

What the fuck was that? She's clearly gay. Ugh whatever.

I drank some water, and went to sleep because I felt tired.
I walked into class and sat in my seat, Minji didn't bother to look at me so I didn't look at her either.

I was getting impatient because I just felt the need to talk with her for some odd reason.

"Um, are you embarrassed?" I asked hesitantly.

She scoffed and quite literally ignored my question.

"Do I have to kiss you for you to answer my question?" I asked, obviously not serious.

"What the fuck? Don't even think about it, I'm not into you and you shouldn't be into me either, it's gross." She finally spoke.

I scoffed cause she's literally the one who initiated the kiss last night.

"By the way that you were looking at me last night, it's obvious that you want me. " I protested.

"I'm not a lesbian!" She sounded like she was whining.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" I asked as I chuckled.

She glared at me and ignored my question.

It went on like that for the rest of class. Ugh she's so boring noww!
After school ended, I walked home slowly. I hated it there.

It was already starting to get dark out due to how slow I was walking.

I decided to walk faster because I didn't want to get in trouble with my parents again.

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