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"I don't know. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Minji suddenly asked.

My heart started pounding out of my chest at the thought of us dating.

"Yeah, sure.." I answered as I felt that my cheeks were warm again.

I couldn't believe it, Minji seriously just asked me out and now we're dating.

I never thought this would happen..

"Um..Want to watch TV?" I randomly suggested.

"Mm, sure." Minji said.

Then I realized that we still weren't dressed enough.

"You can go down first, I'm gonna take a quick shower. I'm pretty sure my moms home but don't worry, she loves you and she won't mind that you spent the night. As long as she doesn't find out about..The elephant in the room." I said.

Minji nodded before putting her shirt on and then I headed into the bathrooms.
After I finished taking a shower, I headed downstairs.

I immediately noticed that Minji and my mom were on the sofa watching TV together.

It seemed like they were talking as well though.

They didn't notice my presence just yet so I didn't say anything and just listened in on the conversation.

"Would you let me date your daughter?" Minji asked.

Is she seriously asking my mom for approval after she literally already asked me out?

"Of course! I think you and Y/N would look amazing together. Wait, why are you asking? Do you actually like my
Y/N?" My mom said as she looked surprised.

"Yes. I really do." Minji answered as I saw her cute awkward smile.

My mom put her hand on Minjis shoulder. "What do you like about her?"

"She's smart, pretty, cute, she's just..Really amazing. I don't think I've been happier." Minji said.

My heart started to pump out of my chest as I heard her say what she actually thought of me.

"I think she's pretty because she takes after you." Minji suddenly added.

Is she seriously trying to rizz up my mom right now?

My mom just shook her head as she laughed.

I decided to finally make my presence known because ain't no way I'm letting my girlfriend rizz up my own mom.

"I'm back." I said as I sat in between my mom and Minji.

"I'll leave you both alone now." My mom suddenly said in her teasing tone before getting up and going back upstairs.

Immediately after the door to my moms room closed, Minji spoke.

"Y/N, I think I should head home. I'll get in a lot more trouble if I don't go home right now." Minji said as she got up.

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow at school?" I asked.

"Uh, Yeah maybe. I hope so." Minji said awkwardly.

"Text me when you get home." I said.

"Okay." Minji said before kissing me on the cheek and then leaving.

i love my gf bro

TO BE CONTINUEDi love my gf bro

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i don't think i'm ok tho🧍🏻‍♀️

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