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It was a couple days later, and I was finally let out of the hospital.

I was let out after about a week.

I had to go to therapy and stuff though which sucks. It still sucks since I have to keep going though.

I can't even say what I actually feel and what's actually going on though.

And it's all because of my stupid fucking dad.

I can't say all the things he's done to me and I'm basically not allowed to be confused about my own sexuality or to even have any sexuality other than being straight.

Anyways, I got a message from one of my friends that our friend group and some other students would be meeting at the state fair and that they would be hanging out there later today and that I was invited.

It was already 4 O'clock and we planned to meet there at 4:30.

I called an uber to pick me up because I didn't want to ask my father and my mother wasn't at home right now.

I got in the uber and they drove me to the place.

I got out the car and immediately saw my friends and a couple of other people.

I walked over to them and waved at Hanni and she got closer and pulled me closer to her.

"You're finally back bro! I've been so bored without you, I was forced to actually talk to other people cause of you!" She said as she gave me a side eye.

"It's not my fault you don't have friends bro." I said as I pushed her playfully.

She pushed me back and I accidentally got pushed to a girl.

We fell to the ground and our lips were touching.

I quickly got off of her and helped her up but then I realized who it was.

"Minji?" She asked as she saw me.

"Um yeah, sorry Y/N..Hanni pushed me." I said as I glared at Hanni.

Hanni was clearly trying to hold in her laughter as I scratched my nape in embarrassment.

This basically counted as our second time kissing huh..

"You're good." She said and I walked away embarrassed towards Hanni.

"Brooo, imaginee!" Hanni said as she covered her mouth to avoid laughing.

"It's not funny Hanni!" I said as I sighed loudly.

We all bought our tickets and saw all the big rides.

We separated into groups and went on different rides.

I eventually got a bit tired so I decided to not go on the next ride.

I went to a stand and bought a green slushy.

I drank some of it but then I realized that my shoe mas untied.

I sighed and set my slushy down on the ground and kneeled to tie my shoe.

As I was done tying my shoe, someone suddenly took my slushy.

I looked up and of course out of everyone who it could've been, it was Y/N.

I stood back up and tried to get it back but she moved her hand back and I failed to get it.

"Y/NN!" I whined as I kept trying to get it back.

"Whattt?" She asked as she kept taking it away from me.

"Give it back!" I insisted and she didn't give up.

"Nope!" She said.

I tried again and I finally got it from her.

"Ha!" I said before taking a sip out of my slushy.

"Go away now, I meant it when I told you not to talk to me." I said as my mood suddenly changed again.

"Finee." She said before walking away and going with her group of friends again.

I just smiled like an idiot at myself at the thought of what just happened as I drank my slushy.

I walked to my group of friends that just got off the ride they were on with my slushy still in hand.

"Yo Minji, you got an admirer now huh?" Hanni asked teasing as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"What, no?! I don't even like girls.." I said. Am I lying though..?

"Pshh, yeah sureee! I saw you checking out Y/N's lips the other day!" She said loudly.

A lot of people looked at us inclcuding Y/N and her friends.

"Hanniii!" I said as I complained in embarrassment.

"Come on, just ask her out already! I've seen the way you look at her. I swear, you always look mesmerized and like you wanna fuck the shit out of her." Hanni said.

My jaw dropped at her last sentence and I hit Hanni on the head.

"Dude, the last part was a joke!" She said as she put her hands up, to defend herself just in case.

"Not true! Every time I see her I feel something and my heart starts pounding faster and I just want to wrap my hands around her neck and-" I paused for a second and thought about what I just said.

"Pause..NOT LIKE THAT BRO!" I said as Hanni gave a disgusted face.

"I MEANT LIKE TO CHOKE HER!" I tried to defend myself.

"..While you guys fuck..?" Hanni asked slowly as she kept the disgusted face.

"NOO! LIKE-" I tried to speak but was interrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder.

"Wha-" I said as I turned and saw Y/N.

all these guys into me yet i'm still thinking of my ex after almost three years..crazy😹

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