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I was in my room crying. I couldn't get the memory of what happened yesterday out of my head. My father had ended up taking my phone once I had gotten home.

Not only that but..He ended up beating me too. My whole body hurt. I was covered in bruises in pretty visible places which is why I didn't go to school today.

Mother already knew that father did these kinds of things but she was too scared of him to say anything. I finally got up from my bed.

My whole body was really sore. I sniffled as I wiped my tears with my sleeve. I looked around my room. I walked over towards the door and opened it enough to just peek my head through it.

The whole house was silent. Father was probably at work. I opened the door wider, walking out my room. I wanted to look for my phone.

I went to my parents bedroom and tried looking for my phone in any possible places. Then, I saw it placed on father's nightstand.

I quickly grabbed it and turned it on. I saw messages from Y/N and even missed calls. I smiled softly at the sight.

I quickly unlocked my phone and called Y/N back. I waited as the phone rang until she finally answered.

"Minji? Why weren't you at school today? Did something happen? Are you okay? Do you need something?" She suddenly started bombarding me with questions.

I laughed softly before answering.

"I'm okay. I overslept." I lied.

"Oh. Well are you okay? You sound like you've been crying." Y/N mentioned.

What excuse do I use? I mean, there's really no excuse for crying.

"Erm..I was watching 20th Century Girl..You know how I get when I watch it." I lied again.

"Haven't I told you to stop watching it? You always cry like a baby when you watch it." She scolded.

I smiled softly. I loved her so much and I don't even know why. She's so..Perfect.

"Minji?" She said since I didn't say anything.

"Oh, sorry. I zoned out."  I said.

"Um anyways, I have to go. I just wanted to call you back to let you know that everything was okay." I said.

"Okay. Take care, okay? I love y-" Before she could finish, I already hung up.

Fuck. Um.

"Love you too." I sent since I didn't want to leave her hanging.

short chapter again sorry. wrote this really fast cause i'm about to go to sleep😭 anyways hi guys 😛

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