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In the blink of an eye, he found himself in a totally different place. The sky, resembling different shades of the rainbow. Under different circumstances he would find it beautiful and making plans to paint it as part of his collection, but this is not the time for that. 

Lillian. That wretched witch had teleported him to God knows where. 'She will pay for this' he thought of all the ways he was going to torture her for her actions. How was she able to do this anyways, to teleport an original across boards was a commendable feat, he must admit, he never thought her that powerful, he had underestimated her. Or maybe he overestimated his hold on her given that he had bedded her more times than he cares to remember.


He had been walking for what felt like hours, surveying the whole place and searching for any clues. What he could tell was that the infrastructure was a bit dated. The cars, the retail stores. It was until he saw a newspaper which confirmed his suspicions. 

1994! Had he been sent back into the past, "is this some journey down memory lane, what was Lillian up to!" Klaus exclaimed loud enough to draw attention, yet no one was there. As he continued walking, he came to an abrupt halt, the scent of blood was faint yet still prevalent.

As he followed the scent, he couldn't help but recognize the unique signature of that blood, but he couldn't put a face to it. The sound of a heartbeat, the first he'd heard in what felt like days. Klaus was finally able to put a face to that scent and it was none other than Bonnie Bennett. One of his best adversaries so far. 

Seeing her lying there, her heart carrying a faint beat, was quite satisfying to say the least. Perhaps he should let her die or maybe taunt her a bit, but he might need a witch to get out of this... whatever this place. She saw him, he could tell by the look of confusion and fear accompanied by acceptance, the acceptance of her end perhaps.

Well, she was about to die so as he picked her up, bit into his wrist to feed her some of his blood. He noticed how worn down she looked, as if she had seen it all, and was ready for her final rest. He had to help her feed before her heart stopped. As her heartrate normalized, she didn't wake up. 

Bonnie was tired and he could tell. He was to wait for her wake, then have the little witch do his bidding. Recalling a little cabin located near the woods, Klaus decided to take her there. They would reside there until he figured out where exactly he was and how he was going to escape. Lillian, she was going to pay for this, thinking about her began to make his blood boil.

Arriving at the cabin in the middle of the woods, Klaus headed straight to the bedroom gently placing the Bennett witch on the bed. Eventually she was to awake and maybe have a few answers for him, in the meantime he sat in the rocking chair near the window staring, just looking at her and counting each heartbeat.

 Klaus had to admit, Bonnie was beautiful, even in her haggard state, she was a beauty. Not that it changed anything, she was still a selfless goody doer not to mention how self-righteous she tended to be, more especially in the presence of the likes of him. 'Oh well, that's old news now' Klaus thought with a smirk gracing his lips.


To say Caroline was worried would be an understatement. It had been three months since Damon came back from the prison world and they were yet to figure out a way to get Bonnie back. Her best friend was stuck there, all alone probably thinking no one was looking for a way to get her back. 

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