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Davina began to stir in her sleep. This was no nightmare, it was an attack, a magical attack. The girl began to scream awakening. She sat up on her bed, unsure of what was happening to her. 'They are coming for me' she thought. But who? Davina felt a pull at her mind. "Come, child. Come to us" voices said to her.

She didn't know where they came from, she could only assume they were from the ancestors of New Orleans. They had been trying to get to her, to communicate with her. she fought it off at first, but it was becoming even harder. She didn't know how to make it stop. At some point, for a moment, she thought she had succeeded in stepping away from their hold.

Not today. The voices were not just whispering things to her, it felt real. As if they could actually touch her. As she was absorbed in her thoughts, a man door busted open. It was one of Marcel's men. She didn't know his name, but she had seen him before. "Where is Marcel?" she asked, still shaken by what was happening to her.

The vampire said nothing. His head hung low, until he looked up at her. his eyes were pitch black. Davina's breath hitched; the man looked terrifying. He slowly crept into her room. "Stay right there" she put her hand up. Nothing happened. She meant to make him stop, but he slowly made his way toward her.

He looked possessed. "I said stop" she said, her voice shaky. "Marcel?" she called out as loud as she could. Nothing. No one came, not even some of Marcel's other men. She was all alone, she realized. Davina quickly shuffled to the other side of the bed. "Come to me, child" the man said, his voice sounded like it was not his own.

The man sounded possessed. Davina had never seen or heard anything like it, ever. She tried again, raising her hand and threw a spell his way. it was futile. The girl was so scared. She looked down at her hands, they were shaking. She could still feel her power, but she couldn't use it. Davina tried again and again, it was no use.

"Marcel?" her scared little voice called to him again. He didn't come. All the while, the vampire still slowly made his way around the bed. Attempting to get a hold of her. he could have simply sped to her and caught her, but for some reason, he walked so slow. "Stop right there. Just stop" she tried to reason with him.

Davina saw that her pleas were of no effect. Taking a hold of the lamp by her bed side, she threw it at him. it landed on the side of his face. It drew blood, but the scratches soon healed. Davina jumped on the bed to the other side, running to the door. When she opened the door, she ran into a hard chest. It was another vampire. He too, was sporting the same look, black eyes and an expressionless face.

He grabbed both sided of her shoulders, tightly. "Come, child" that same voice. Davina was scared. She kicked and screamed at the top of her lungs, as he grabbed her by her mid-section. She was trapped. She cried and screamed, begging for them to let her go. She was utterly terrified. The man began to walk down the stair of her home with a screaming Davina.

"Hey, what are you doing?" came the voice of another vampire. He was one of Marcel's nightwalkers. He sped toward them and managed to rip Davina off of the vampire's hands. Davina fell to the floor, scraping her knee on the hard pavement. The two vampires fought, although the possessed one was slower.

The nightwalker managed to rip out the possessed vampire's heart out. The vampire fell limp to the ground. The vampire from upstairs got a hold of the nightwalker's hand. Davina watched as the young man screamed. Whatever it was that got a hold of the vampire's mind, was being transferred to nightwalker.

"RUN!!!" the young man screamed. He could feel his consciousness slipping away, a volatile spirit taking over his mind. He tried to fight it, "run!" he screamed again. Davina didn't wait, she ran out of the compound, into the streets. She hadn't been out in months. She was scared shitless. She looked around and began to run.

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