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Bonnie opened her eyes to what looked like a hospital. She had the most wonderful dream and she felt amazing. The amount of energy running through her was exhilarating. She was all alone, with the sound of the heart monitor. She lifted off the bed, removed all the mechanisms attached to her and made her way to the bath room.

It was then that she noticed that she was back at the mansion, no hospital had a bathroom this lavish. It made her chuckle. Turning on the water, letting it run over her body. Bonnie's hand landed on her little bump. "a boy, I'm having a baby boy" she was beyond elated. It was even funny, considering that Rebecca and Caroline made bets on a girl. They were in for a rude awakening.

It felt good. She felt alive again, well rested. Turning off the water, Bonnie made her way to the sink. She looked in the mirror and she liked what she saw. Radiance, she was seemingly glowing. Long forgotten was the incident of being kidnaped. She wasn't going to focus on that for now. She wanted to bask in her happiness, and possibly share the news.

She wondered how Klaus would react to it. Would he be angry again? Would he throw, yet another fit? The thought broke her heart. Yes, Klaus apologized, sort of, but it wasn't enough in her opinion. The last thing she wanted was her son feeling unwanted but his father. Bonnie knew that feeling all to well, and it was coming from parent who claimed to love her.

In that moment, Bonnie decided that no matter who objects, her son would be loved. She was ready to do anything for her baby, and she knew that she had enough support from Caroline, Matt and Rebecca, whom she now considered a friend. Even Tyler was a source of support. The rest of her friends had come to terms with the baby but it still felt distant.

But Bonnie didn't care. Her grandmother didn't mind her baby's paternity and she encouraged her to fight for her son. There was more good than bad, so, she would take it and run with it. Lillian had been a great support to her ever since they met, almost like a mother figure. Bonnie was quick to dismiss the bad blood between the witch and Klaus because had it not been for Lillian, her baby would not have been conceived.

Bonnie made her way to her room in a towel, choosing to ignore the commotion that was taking place downstairs. Her grandmother was right, Klaus was about ready to snap one of her friend's necks. Opening the door to her room, she noticed that it was night time already. Bonnie headed straight to her closet, curtesy of Rebecca, she picked a blue figure hugging dress, one that showed off her bump.

She wasn't sure how far along she was but her belly was already protruding. "Are you that big or just being dramatic?" she wondered. She finished off with a pare of pumps then headed straight into the fire downstairs. The voices grew louder as she descended the stairs. From what she heard, Klaus broke Damon's neck four times in two days. Well, now she knew how long she slept.

Caroline blamed Klaus for everything that happened to Bonnie, which earned her a venomous bite from Klaus the day before. It took some convincing from Elijah for Klaus to give the blonde the cure, but Caroline refused to let it go. As Bonnie entered the living room, her best friend was threatening to tell on her husband, claiming how Bonnie will have his ass once she finds out. Now, that made her laugh.

"Bonnie, you're awake" Rebecca hugged her, "we didn't hear you coming." She added. "of course, you didn't" Bonnie teased. "Wow, judgy, you look great." Damon commented, he wanted to piss Klaus off and he succeeded. "Thank you, Damon" Bonnie smiled. Klaus scowled at the lesser vampire. Damon always got on his last nerve. Even though he wasn't lying, Bonnie looked ravishing.

"Bonnie, Klaus bit me. Can you believe it? he almost killed me." Caroline whined, as promised. "I'm sorry Care, I'll make sure to hand him his ass." Bonnie joked. Her best friend smiled, "you look gorgeous, pregnancy suites you" Caroline complemented. The only people missing were Matt, Tyler, Stefan and Elena. Matt went to work, Tyler disappeared, Stefan was somewhere brooding and Elena was somewhere sulking because Stefan was somewhere brooding. It was a whole fiasco.

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