A Day Of Fun Ruined

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A/N: I don't own DC, Arrowverse or any pictures, art, and gifs except for my OC. Enjoy!

It was a beautiful morning over Central City as the sun rose. Evan woke up to the sunlight shining on his face as he slowly opened his eyes to see that it had now been a full morning. As he was about to get up, he felt something heavy on his chest that prevented him from getting up. It was then that he noticed a sleeping Jesse on his chest which was snuggled up against him.

The moment Evan saw Jesse asleep on top of him, he thought it was cute. After he brushed a strain of her hair, she snuggled deeper into his chest, before she woke up and saw Evan as she looked straight at him with a smile on her face


"Good morning Jesse. How did you sleep?"

Jesse:Like a baby

She gets up and stretches

Jesse:You know what? Let's go do something fun today

"What do you have in mind?"

Jesse:The acrade

"The arcade? In 8:00 in the morning?"

Jesse:No silly!*Laughs* How about go at noon? Unless you have anything else better to do than watch movies all day?

There was no doubt in Evan's mind that Jesse was right. There was nothing else he could do, so he decided to do that

"Alright you win. Besides its been a long time since i did something fun. But first i have to head to Star Labs and repair my suit. You're welcome to join me if you want"

When Jesse looks into Evan's eyes as he leads her to the Star Labs with great anticipation, she smiles as she follows him


Evan then speeds out of the apartment as Jesse giggles to herself as she speeds after him in a race to see who would get to Star Labs first.

They both reached the building at the same time, out of breath and laughing.

"I win!"

Jesse:Only because you had a head start

"Fair point"

They walked together into the lab, ready to start repairing his suit

Jesse:Damn! Your suit has really taken a beating.

"Yeah I know. It's been through a lot lately."

Jesse:Don't worry, we'll get it back to it's old self in no time

"Let's do it"

Jesse and Evan repaired his suit. It took a couple of hours but they fixed it. Evan beamed with pride, admiring his suit.

Jesse:All done..now you look as good as new

"Thanks Jesse you're a lifesaver. I'm glad I have someone like you to help me out when need it"

Jesse:No problem, I'm glad I could help

Jesse looked up at Evan with love in her eyes as she leaned in and kissed him. Evan felt his heart race as their lips touched and he pulled her close. He held her tight, feeling the warmth of her body against his as they shared that moment of pure connection and love.

The kiss was gentle and passionate at the same time, like they were communicating all the love they had for each other without words. They pulled away and smiled at each other, their eyes still filled with love.

Jesse:I have been wanting to do that for a long

"So have I Jesse..so have I"

She looks at her watch and sees that it is already noon rembering that she and Evan were going to the arcade

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