The City of Green

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Oscar couldn't quite understand how an entire city could be made of what seemed to be rock, but here it was. He stood before the large gate in awe at the sight of the stone. It looked like one large gem. Must be the Emerald part of the Emerald City. He'd never seen an Emerald before, but he liked the color. The green seemed to shine from the moonlight.

Oscar: I suppose a green city isn't that odd compared to a talking lion.

Guard: You always talk to yourself, boy?

Oscar looked forward to find a man sitting there on a wooden stool. He looked old and like he had been guarding this door longer than Oscar's been alive. His beard reached his stomach and seemed to curl at the end. His mustache was also quite large and well kept unlike the Ringmaster's. His uniform was green and looked unfamiliar to the boy. His buttons were adorned with emeralds and the only other colors besides green were gold and black.

Oscar watched as the man got to his feet with a bit of struggle. He then shuffled over to the boy.

Guard: You don't look like you're from around here.

He came to a stop and rested his hands ontop of his cane. Oscar began to wonder what exactly he would be protecting the city from in his old and withered state. Still, he seemed kind.

Oscar: I ain't. I'm looking for someone named Ozma.

The old guard began to stroke his beard. Through the slits of his eyelids Oscar could see that his pupils were just as green as the stone around him. There was history behind those eyes. How long as he been a guard for? What kind of things has he seen? Has he ever been in battle before?

Guard: Ozma did mention that someone should be here today. Didn't think it'd be so late.

Oscar looked up at the night sky. The stars shined beautifully. The black and purple colors seemed to drip as if freshly painted on a canvas.

The Guard tapped on the gate with his cane. A noise echoed through the air before the doors began to open to reveal the city itself. It was utterly beautiful. The guard tipped his hat at the boy and returned to his stool. Oscar walked through the gates and began to walk through the city's streets. With it being nighttime, only a few residents were out and about. He was amazed by their clothes and the way they spoke. Their accents were strange to him, but he found them interesting.

He stopped when he reached a shop window. He approached it to look inside at all the hats on display. One in particular caught his eye. A well designed top hat with a green band around it. He had seen some people with hats like this before. They were filthy rich, but he always wanted one of his own.

He heard someone clear their throat and looked over to see the shopkeeper giving him a suspicious look. Oscar looked down at his clothes and remembered he looked like he didn't have any money. He nervously smiled and quickly shuffled away.

Oscar slipped his hands into his pockets as he looked around. Where was this Ozma person at? She sounded important, so maybe she would be at some great building? He came to a stop and looked over to see such a building.

 Where was this Ozma person at? She sounded important, so maybe she would be at some great building? He came to a stop and looked over to see such a building

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