To You, The Future Me

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The school was massive. Much larger than Oscar had thought it was. From afar it looked like another place on a hill, but up close the stone walls towered over him like titans at the ready to protect the students inside. Moss found gentle homes inside the cracks that had formed after what seemed to be centuries of wear and tear. The sun seemed much warmer up here, but it felt good after his time near the water.

Snow didn't seem too impressed, but he figured that she had seen places like this a million of times before. But, to him at least, this place was a marvel. The two stepped through the gates as students filed in. Their peace was soon interupted when Oscar heard a scream cut through the air. He turned just in time to see Snow get taken out by a blur of pink followed by a cloud of dust. He looked down to find a much taller girl holding onto a dazed Snow.

???: I thought you got kidnapped! Where did you go?!

Oscar blinked before tilting his head to the side. He assumed they knew each other, or at least he hoped they did, but he felt like he was missing some context. The girl pulled Snow to her feet and urged her to rejoin their group to let everyone know she was alright. She pulled her away, but Snow quickly turned back and waved to him.

Snow: I'll see you around. And thank you again!

Oscar could only waved back without a word. He watched as Snow rejoined her friends, leaving him alone. Oscar looked back to the school and began to look around a bit. Everyone looked so fancy it actually made him feel a bit underdressed. Still, he felt like he wasn't supposed to be here. And maybe he wasn't to some extent.

He wasn't from this world. He's been here for a couple of months, but that's it. Even just standing here he could feel just how different he was. And that difference became even more apparent when he felt himself get shoved by an unseen force. He nearly fell over but managed to avoid getting a face full of stone when the back of his coat was grabbed.

???: Ah! Sorry, man. I didn't see you standing there.

Oscar looked over his shoulder to see a boy his age standing there holding onto him with his free arm. He smiled as he pulled Oscar back to his feet, patting his shoulders to clean him up a bit.

???: You alright, man?

Oscar nodded.

Oscar: Yeah, I'm all peachy.

The taller boy seemed relieved. He then held out a hand.

???: I don't think I've met you yet. I'm Big. Big Badwolf.

That was quite a name

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That was quite a name. Oscar shook his hand and introduced himself. As Oz, of course. Before their conversation could continue, they heard a noise that sounded like many things falling. They both looked over to see a boy rubbing his head as some other kids walked off laughing. Oscar heard a low growl which he realized came from Badwolf himself.

Badwolf: Bastards.

He hurried over to the boy and Oz watched as he helped him to his feet.

Badwolf: You okay, P?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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