Learning The Basics

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Oscar groaned as he laid on his bed. His whole body was in pain due to his training the day prior. After talking to Ozma last night, he learned he had two months to get ready for school. He definitely wasn't ready yet, and it started to show as he stared at the green ceiling.

He realized he never really stopped to question it before, but he was in a completely different world. This wasn't Kansas where things made sense by his standards. Magic was real here and he needed to adjust his knowledge. That was part of the reason he was excited to learn from Ozma today. If he could get a firm grasp of the way things worked in this world, he could very well make it.

After forcing himself out of bed and into a new set of clothes, just as comfortable as the last, he made his way down the hall towards Ozma's office. Once he arrived, however, he was met with a curious sight.

Braum: I promise I'll behave so let me get up!

Ozma: Not until I feel you learned your lesson.

Braum was on her knees on what seemed like a piece of wood with five pointed rows digging into her legs. On her lap was a stack of books seemingly placed there by Ozma.

Oscar watched this for a moment before he decided that he would remain on his best behavior.

Ozma suddenly turned to him which made him flinch a bit, but she smiled regardless.

Ozma: Good morning, dear. I hope you rested well.

Oscar looked back to Braum which made Ozma sigh.

Ozma: She's in trouble for the way she acted towards you yesterday. She was supposed to be in charge of your training, but she instead abused you.

Braum: It's how I teach!

Oscar: Uh....

The two looked to the boy who was now sweating bullets.

Oscar: Could you let her go, Miss? She was just teachin' me.

Ozma raised a brow but Braum cried out.

Braum: Please listen to him!

Ozma simply sighed and lifted a finger. The books were taken away from Braum's lap and she was untied. Braum immediately shot to her feet, only to fall over almost immediately. She held her knees in pain while Ozma sighed.

Ozma: Very well. No matter.

She turned to Oscar.

Ozma: Your first lesson with me will begin after breakfast.

Oscar nodded, but then looked at Braum.

Oscar: I dunno if I want to go!
Oscar sat in a rather comfortable chair across from Ozma who was drinking a cup of tea. In front of him on a makeshift table was a pile of books that were about the history of this place and stuff such as spells and hexes. Stuff that Oscar had read about back in his world, but nothing he really believed could be real.

Ozma: Before we begin, I must ask you something.

Oscar looked up to her as she took a sip.

Ozma: When you arrived here, did you notice anything that was immediately different?

Oscar gave it some thought.

Oscar: Uh, the air? It feels....lighter, somehow. I can't explain it.

Ozma smiled.

Ozma: That's because of the natural magic that flows through this world. It stretches across all the lands. Have you read up on them yet?

Oscar looked back to the books. He did do some light reading, but he stopped when he noticed some strange things.

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