My Lady

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Oscar: Wow.

Oscar watched in awe as the world passed by through the carriage window. The villages looked like stuff right out of a fantasy story. It did make sense seeing as fairy tales lived here, but it was really neat to see it all in person. Ozma and Braum sat across from him with Braum holding her staff in her arms while Ozma rested her eyes with a smile.

Braum: He's like a child.

Ozma: Don't make it seem like it's such a bad thing.

She opened her eyes and watched as Oscar watched the people that were walking to the village of Book End. This was where Ever After High was. Where he will be living for the next few years with the occasional visit back to Oz. Of course that did mean he would have to go by Oz here.

Ozma: You look very handsome. Take pride in that.

Oscar looked back to the older woman and smiled. He did feel like he looked good.

Oscar: Hey, can I request something?

Ozma: Of course.

Oscar: Can you drop me off here? I feel a bit bad about having a ride to the school, and I want to meet my peers.

Braum: Absolutely no-

Ozma: By all means.

Ozma tapped the side of the carrage and it came to a stop. Oscar started to open the door, but Braum stopped him by hitting his hand with her staff.

Braum: Are you insane? You wouldn't even know where to go.

Oscar rubbed his hand but looked at the girl unammused. He looked out the window and saw something on a nearby hill. It looked like a kind of castle, but it was massive.

Oscar: Is that the school?

Braum looked out, saw it, and returned to her position. Arms crossed, legs crossed, staff leaning on her shoulder.

Braum: Yeah.

Oscar smiled as he reached for the handle again.

Oscar: Well, guess I know where to go.

He looked to Ozma who had a smirk on her face. She gave a subtle nod and Oscar didn't wait for Braum's response before he swung the door open. Braum reached out but failed to realize Ozma grabbing her coat. She missed Oscar as he jumped out of the carriage, making a break for it with his suitcase.

He laughed as he ducked behind a wall, peeking out to see the carriage moving again, making him smile even more.

He stepped out and looked around, still amazed. He walked towards the main square, spotting what looked to be a new shop being worked on. What surpised him was how...shiny everything seemed to be. It was like looking at a children's picture book. He took a step forward, but stopped when something red came into view. He looked down to see what looked to be a smaller human walking by.

He was dressed funny, wearing what looked to be a blue shirt and a red cone shaped hat. His beard was white and he looked jolly. Oscar watched him for a moment before a gust of wind began to sweep through the area. He reached up and held onto the hat he wore just in time for something large to fly overhead. He looked up and his eyes grew wide, his mouth falling open in surpise.

It was a dragon. An actual dragon.

Oscar: Good lord.

He slowly began to look around again. His cheeks hurt from how wide he was grinning. His heart was racing. His body suddenly wide awake with energy. This wasn't Kansas anymore. This was heaven.

Oscar: I don't care if I died and passed through God's pearly gates, this here is beautiful.

He spotted a shop and noticed the puzzles and toys in the window. He patted his pocket and felt the small tin box that Ozma had given him.

Ever After High: Year 0Where stories live. Discover now