Leg Warmers

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Months passed by. Lucia's hair grew and she cut it again, her wolf cut more a dog cut at this point, but she didn't give a fuck, honestly. In facts, she even dyed some strings teal colored to match Miku.
"Oh my gosh, I love it!" Maria Ángeles told her, smiling wide, that chilly January morning "but please tell me you didn't do it with your highlighters..."
"Okay, I didn't do it with my highlighters" Lucia grinned and winked "I did it with yours"
"You didn't..."
Maria Ángeles tacked her to the floor and started tickling her. Lucia was momentarily stunned, because she was pinned against the floor by the other girl, but eventually she laughed too and tried to get off.
"Not fair, I wasn't ready!" She gasped between giggles "let go!"
At the end, the two girls got up, both extremely red and giggly, with their uniforms all messed up, ties undone, hair messy... and Maria Ángeles's leg warmers were in the floor.
Lucia reached for them.
"Here" she handed them to her "what's with the leg warmers, anyway? Is it balletcore or sum?"
Maria Ángeles didn't laugh, she looked distant.
"I might tell you someday" She simply states, her gaze lost.
Lucia didn't push, knowing she might have fucked up just a bit. She sat and got started on her Chemistry homework, working on formulation and nomenclature of compounds. She got lost in sulphuric acid and oxides, concentrated. She needed to pass that test.
Maria Ángeles sat beside her and started studying too.
After a few hours, Lucia spoke.
"Hey, have you found out anything about Luis Felipe yet?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary" Maria Ángeles sighed and closed her book "but there's definitely something fishy going on. See how his eye is always twitching?"
"Yeah, fuck that twitch, it makes my skin crawl" Lucia shuddered "what do you think he can be hiding?"
"Dictionaries" Maria Ángeles said, straight-faced, causing the two of them to laugh like mad.
Lucia had nearly forgotten about that crazy conversation she had overheard. She was doing nicely at school, she had the most awesome best friend ever... She didn't want to ruin her life, which seemed quite good at the moment.
Okayyy, maybe it could be better if a certain short and dainty girl with a perfect wolf cut wasn't straight as hell, but oh well. You can't have it all.
She decided that she'd accompany Maria Ángeles to ballet that day, and so she put on a leather spiked jacket and got up ready to go. Maria Ángeles was already in her black leotard and leg warmers. Her heart skipped a beat.
"Ready?" She asked the girl
Maria Ángeles smiled "sure, let's go!"
And so they walked along the building. It was quiet, as it was nearly four pm and most students were outside, hanging out. It was lonely, maybe even a bit eerie. Not a single noise perpetrated the utter silence.
"Woah, I've never seen the school this quiet" Maria Ángeles chuckled nervously, speaking in a poor attempts to drown the eerie silence.
"Yeah, everyone's probably napping" Lucia chuckled too.
They heard footsteps that broke the silence like glasses falling into the floor, smashing. Lucia gulped and grabbed Maria Ángeles by her wrist, then dragged her to behind a column. Maria Ángeles was about to ask her what was wrong, but Lucia places her hand over her mouth, gagging her, then placed her finger to her own lips.
The message was clear, keep silence, utter silence.
Luis Felipe appeared into view, walking fast while talking on his phone. His left eye was twitching like mad, and his usually impecable light blue was stained in something reddish...
He spoke loudly "I'm aware, but the parents won't notice, really, the kids won't speak, they won't dare"
Maria Ángeles gasped against Lucia's hand. Both of the girls were listening in silence.
"They need to learn syntax" He kept saying "And, if they don't, then I'll make them. Let the Cult of Syntax thrive!"
When he finally left, the girls were shaking.
"Won't dare to speak?" Lucia whispered
"Cult of Syntax?" Maria Ángeles whispered back.
They forgot about ballet practice and ran back to their dorm as quickly as they could, their breathing ragged. When they locked the door, they realized they were holding hands, but none of them let go. They kept gasping.
"He works for a cult" Maria Ángeles repeated, not believing her eyes or ears.
"I knew he was hiding something" Lucia groaned and let herself fall to her bed "I just didn't think it would be this bad...
"Do you think he saw us?" Maria Angeles's voice quivered.
"No" lucia quickly said "No..."
I hope not, she wanted to add, but she didn't want to scare Maria Ángeles off.
They tried to get back to their homework, but they couldn't focus anymore. Luis Felipe's voice kept replaying in their ears.
Night fell, but none of them made any intention of going to bed.
"I don't think I'm sleeping tonight" Maria Ángeles said
"Nah, I'm not sleeping either" Lucia sighed "but we do need to sleep, we need to be alert, what if he suspects?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Maria Ángeles asked quietly
Lucia's brain went BOOM and her windows restarted. Maria Ángeles wanted to... sleep with her??!?!?!?!?
She's just a friend, she's just scared... she repeated those words to herself in a poor attempt to convince her selfish heart, but it did not listen.
After a few seconds she realized she had zoned out and quickly replied.
"Hum, yeah, sure, why not?" She chuckled nervously and tucked a loose strand of her brown-teal colored hair behind her ear.
"Thanks!" Maria Ángeles smiled and got into the bed.
Oh, boy, it was going to be a long night, Lucia thought as she got into her bed, her heart pumping.

Unless: Sapphic romance - enemies to friends to loversWhere stories live. Discover now