Who said pool parties are a Summer thing?

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Lucia wasn't sure at all. In fact, she was already thinking about melting into a puddle and escaping through the bath's drain. That sounded so good right now...
"Hey, you good?" Maria Ángeles asked from outside the bathroom. Lucia was breathing heavily, but she managed to swallow hard and utter a reply.
"Sure, nearly done!"
Liar, liar. She stared into the mirror once more, she felt really uncomfortable with her baby bikini, that her sister Irene had lent to her.
She took a deep breath, trying to convince herself it was ok, that everyone wore bikinis, that it would be ok. She opened the door, her gaze locked on the floor, blush making its way up her face. She honestly expected the worst at this moment.
"OMG, you look so hot!" Maria Ángeles exclaimed.
Lucia blinked twice, not trusting her ears at the moment. Had Maria Ángeles actually...? Really?
She stared at the girl, she wore a hot pink trikini with silver beads. She looked so gorgeous... Lucia was now blushing for a whole different reason. God, that girl had a six pack!!!
Breathe, Lucia, she reminded herself when she realized she'd been holding her breath for a few minutes now.
"W-woah, y-you look... You look hot too"
Maria Ángeles gave her a smile that nearly made her melt again. She grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside.
"Come on!"
Lucia was nuclear white. Probably because of the little amount she spent outside. So, when she felt the shinning sun against her skin, she was certain she would get sunburned. But, honestly, she did not give a fuck.
Three dogs ran towards the girls playfully. Maria Ángeles knelt to pet them and smiled.
"This are Jara, Blanquita and Pulga"
Lucia pet one of the dogs and chuckled.
"Cute, very cute"
The three dogs suddenly jumped on top of her and started licking her while Lucia giggled.
"Jara, Blanquita, Pulga, get off my best friend!" Maria Ángeles scolded them while she laughed "Sorry, they get excited easily"
"It's ok" Lucia got up and brushed the dog hair from all over her, she was still chuckling.
Maria Ángeles dragged her to the pool and jumped right in, making a loud splash.
"Come inside, the water is perfect!" She laughed
"It's December!" Lucia complained "it's cold!"
"It's 22°C, don't be such a scaredy-cat!" Maria Ángeles laughed.
"Just for your info, I'd love to be a cat! In fact, if I was offered to choose between world peace or being a cat for thirty minutes, I'd be a cat!" She said, out of nerves.
"Yeah, I know" Maria Ángeles chuckled "You'd make a cute cat"
Lucia chuckled and, at the end, jumped into the pool.
"Fuck, it's cold!"
Maria Ángeles just laughed and splashed her.
They ended up caught in the middle of a splash battle, swallowing water and having fun, laughing like mad.
"Hey, wanna try something cool?" Maria Ángeles asked her after a while, when they calmed down.
"Hm, sure, why not?" Lucia shrugged and nodded.
The shirted girl smiled mischievously "Ok, kneel down"
Lucia knelt on the pool. Tall as she was, the water barely reached her shoulders. But now Maria Ángeles was taller than her.
"Ok, now place your palms together in front of you"
Lucia did as she was told again, wondering where that was going to take her.
Suddenly, Maria Ángeles intertwined her fingers with hers and pushed her arms so they landed on top of them. Lucia was defenseless, her hands above her, she didn't know what the fuck was going on.
Maria Ángeles grabbed her chin and stared into her eyes. Lucia didn't know what to do, she was panicking, gay panic, most likely. Blush created up her cheeks once more, she didn't know what to do.
Maria Ángeles seemed about to kiss her. Lucia was in such a panic state that the only things he could think of was to hold her breath and dive straight into the water.
When she got out, Maria Ángeles was giggling.
"My god, your face!" She laughed
Lucia shrugged "What the hell was that?!"
"Don't tell me you didn't like it" Maria Ángeles grinned and winked.
Lucia couldn't be mad with her, she just couldn't. That smile, it would be the end of her, most likely.
She decided to splash the shorter girl, laughing. Maria Ángeles gasped, pretended to be offended and replied by splashing her again. Once more they got each other into a splash battle, that ended up with them soaked wet and shivering.
"Okay, now it's cold" Maria Ángeles admitted as she trembled "let's get out"
They got out and dried with some towels, then lay on the grass while laughing. The sun shone weaker now. It was December 24.
"I've got a gift for you" Lucia admitted to her "A Christmas gift"
"So do I!" María Ángeles smiled wide "I have two, actually"
Lucia threw her hands up in the air in surrender "not fair!"
Maria Ángeles laughed "Wanna open them now?"
"No!" She quickly said "We have to wait until midnight, it's tradition"
It was Maria Angeles's time to sigh exasperated "Fiiiine. We'll wait until then, I guess"
The two girls put on their pyjamas and got inside. They had dinner and then sang obnoxious Christmas carols until night fell. At this time, they had eaten an unhealthy amount of chocolate and were feeling sleepy, although they wouldn't admit it. They watched El Mota in an attempt to stay awake.
Finally, the clock strikes midnight, and the two girls turned to each other.
It was Christmas.

Unless: Sapphic romance - enemies to friends to loversWhere stories live. Discover now