15. Epilogue: Permanent Protection Detail

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Despite his best efforts to just be Lucy's boyfriend, Tim never stopped trying to protect her. They spent countless hours in a gym where he tried to teach her how to defend herself. She was a good student if not a little distracted by her instructor, so she composed a rewards system that every time she successfully performed a maneuver, she earned herself AT LEAST a kiss.

Lucy was grateful for the sparring study breaks, especially when she had figured out ways to turn the lessons into something more enjoyable afterwards. So when she successfully managed to knock Tim on the floor, she pinned him down, stretching her body on top of his with a victorious smile on her face, anticipating the kiss she earned.

Tim craned his neck where he was still being held against the floor and gave her a gentle peck.

"Is that it?" She asked, unsatisfied with her reward.

"You know, you need to take your self defense training seriously. If someone tries to take you again..."

"I'll fight like hell, and if all else fails, I know you'll find me."

"Lucy..." he tried to object, but she leaned down and kissed him to stop him from talking.

"I need to take a shower before my behavioral psych study group tonight."

He nodded in understanding and watched her rise to her feet.

She outstretched her hand to help him stand up and added, "Are you up for joining me?"

"Not sure how much help I can be at your study group."

Lucy snickered, "Not the study group, you dummy. The shower. Wanna join me?"

Tim nodded dumbly and let her lead them upstairs. Even if it was not his job to follow her around, he found he was unable to stop himself from going wherever she went. Including into the shower.

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The worst part about dating a former Secret Service Agent and current FBI agent is that they can't stop being worried. Tim had changed her home security system 3 times out of concern for her.

"Not again," she groaned when she walked into her condo and saw someone installing a new home security panel into the wall.

"This is the last time. I promise," Tim assured and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the forehead to welcome her home.

"You said that last time."

"I know, but this is the improved, upgraded version of the last model you had," he tried to justify.

"I don't really care about upgraded security. I care about the fact that you still haven't unpacked all of your stuff," Lucy's eyes settled on two unopened boxes in the corner of the living room.

"You're right. I'll finish moving in my stuff tonight. I can't help it if the you're the most important thing in my life, and I want you to be safe."

"If you're really that worried about my safety at home, we could always get..."

"Don't even say it. We're not getting a dog."

"A guard dog could protect me when you're not home, Mr. Supervisory Special Agent Bradford."

Endlessly grateful Grey was able to secure him a job at the FBI after being fired from Secret Service, he still smiled when he heard someone use his new title. "We're not getting a dog. It's a lot of responsibility, and you need to focus on school, plus, you and my job keep me pretty busy."

"I like keeping you busy, and you didn't seem to mind this morning," she quirked her eyebrow at him.

"I almost arrested myself for breaking traffic laws so I wasn't late to work today thanks to you."

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