11. Just Bring Him Back

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Lucy felt a warm mouth leave a trail of kisses up her arm all the way up to her favorite spot on her neck. "Tim," she moaned.

"Good morning, princess," he whispered with a raspy voice that only made her want him more. He interlaced their fingers and added, "You have to get ready for class."

"I can skip just this once," she replied, keeping her eyes closed as she smiled at the way he chuckled right in her ear.

"School is important, baby. Come on," Tim placed a light kiss to the tip of her nose, and finally, her eyes fluttered open.

To an empty bed.

Lucy groaned when she realized she had been remembering a time when Tim had slept over months ago. They had watched a movie, and when it ended, she had insisted that he stay the night, promising only cuddles. That night, he settled into her bed and outstretched his arms for her, and Lucy wished she had taken a picture of how adorably happy he looked reaching for her. She launched herself into his arms and settled easily next to him.

"Are you comfortable?" He had asked.

"Mhm," she hummed, her eyes already shut.

"Good. I just don't want to hurt you."

"You could never hurt me," Lucy responded quietly just before she had fallen sleep.

She had been wrong, of course, but at the time, Lucy was blissfully unaware of Tim's secret. Now after everything had happened and that fragment of a memory of waking up next to him came flooding back into her mind's eye, she was not angry as she had been a few days prior when Lucy had recalled another sweet moment with Tim.

As much as his lie hurt, she had decided it was time to forgive him. She loves him. She wants him. They could move past this.

Confident in her decision, Lucy texted Chris to meet for breakfast. If Tim had to bear witness to all of her dates with other men and women, he should be present for when she breaks up with the guy she has been seeing. Within an hour, Lucy was certain she could get back together with Tim. Then, she started getting ready for the day, already excited about wearing something pretty just for him.

Lucy smoothed her black skirt and ran her hands down the front of her black top, readjusting to ensure the blue lacy bra underneath could not be seen, and she exhaled before opening the front door of her condo to be greeted by her security detail in the hallway.

Her eyes traveled between the 3 people standing in front of her- Talia, Aaron, and...not Tim.

"Who are you?" She asked the man she did not recognize.

"I'm Agent Acres, ma'am. Great to meet you," he smiled.

Lucy snapped her eyes back to Talia, "Where's Tim?"

"He's been reassigned," she answered simply.

"Reassigned? My mom allowed that after all this time?"

"We need to get you to class, Lucy," Aaron tried to change the subject.

"No, Aaron, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me how this happened!"

"I'm afraid that's classified," Agent Acres replied.

"I'm not talking to you! Someone better tell me what the hell is going on here. He wasn't allowed to get reassigned."

"What does it matter? I thought you hate him," Aaron pointed out.

Lucy rolled her eyes and dialed Tim.

He didn't answer.

She called 3 times, and each time her call was sent to voicemail.

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