Chapter 7: Meeting Stolas and Princess Octavia

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*The morning Lincoln woke up and head to the shower to start his day while everyone else weren't awake yet, 9 minutes later lincoln just got out from the shower since he was getting ready for today and wear my usual orange coat before he enters the newly fixed meeting room and continue with his works since his mom has destroyed all of them and he had to do it from scratch again*.

Lincoln: Alright let's see wh-- *doors burts open and sees his mom rushing towards him for a hug*.

Loona: I'm sorry lincoln, so sorry.

Lincoln: Hey hey, it's ok mom, you only lost control which is fine for us hellhounds.

Loona: But I could've killed you.

Lincoln: But you didn't since my reflections are way more faster, and besides it was my fault that my howling caused you to go insane.

Loona: I'm still suprised you managed to have such a powerful howling.

Lincoln: Well, when your in another world, your expecting to learn and master new things, but don't worry mom just cause I'm learning such powerful attacks, doesn't mean i'm not the same adorable pup you know.

Loona: Which makes me happy that I raised you like my own son.

Lincoln: Mhm btw how did you know you attacking me, usually hellhoumds don't have memory of what they do after going crazy, unless if Grandpa, Uncle Moxxie or Aunt Millie told you.

Loona: Yeah Moxxie and Millie told me.

Lincoln: I would've guessed it, anyways you should go do your thing mom, I'll be handling the clients calls.

Loona: *smiles* alright lincoln, good luck.

Lincoln: Same goes for you too mom.


*Suddenly, Lincoln hears a phone ringing as he looks around to search for the source until he finds a red phone on the other side of the table and realize it is Blitzo's phone before he accepted the call.

Lincoln: Hello, this is I.M.P Headquarters. How may I help you?

???: Why hello over there. Your voice doesn't seem familiar to me. Are you new?

Lincoln: Yes. My name is Lincoln and one of the I.M.P Headquarters employee...well family members. May I know who am I speaking right now?

???: Where is my manner? The name's Stolas. Pleasure to meet you.

Lincoln: Stolas... As in Princes Stolas, the Princes of Ars Goetia! Greetings, Your Highness. It seems Blitzo is quite busy right now but you can talk to me if you need anything, Your Highness.

Stolas: Very well then. I have a special request for my daughter. Both of us wants to go to Loo Loo Land and we need to require-

Lincoln: Let me guess, you want to hire us as your bodyguard to protect you and your daughter from danger?

Stolas: *excited* I like you already. Straight to business.

Lincoln: Well.. you may know that we're assassins not bodyguards. I mean I'm willing to help you but I'm not quite sure if our company can help you with it and I don't think Blitzo will approve it unless...

Lincoln Loud in Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now