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Fajr Shabbir:

Fajr is 18 years old she lives with her parent's and one older brother.Fajr really likes crocheting and doing Calligraphy in her free time as it makes her relax,shes been wearing hijab since few years,But what happened 2 years ago made her really close to Allah swt and her deen,she started to cover her up with beautiful abayas and khimars as she remembers someone saying "People always hide diamond so no one can see them",that's how she sees women's in islam because a Women in islam is more valuable then a Diamond.
This summer she starts wearing Nikab too,she's a person who like to challenge herself for trying things that may look hard to her at first.
Come Along to find out more About Fajr shabbir.

Amar Ahmed:

Amar Ahmed is 22 years old who also lives with his parents and 2 younger sister and brother who are twins. Amar just graduated from Business&Accounting,and now has opened a little cafeteria in London,he's really passionate about Football and enjoys spending time with his friends and family.Ahmed also takes his little business really serious so mostly his friend find him in his cafeteria or in the masjid at prayer time.Amar likes to style his thobe with hoodie In winter or just wear thr thobe when he's not at work.

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