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Im gonna miss you" Fajr said to Amar while passing him his watch, today he was going away from her for the first time since they got married,he gave her a hug and said "Hayatii,im gonna be back soon why you're getting sad huh? you can go out if you want to with Saher or with your other friend!" she got out of his arms and said "Hm it's fine but please come home quickly" he gave her a kiss and went to sit in his car as he already had breakfast, he sat in his car and saw his wife was still looking at him standing at the door "Are you looking at how did you get an handsome husband like me?" he said making his wife laugh "j j yehi samajhle but go now don't get late" je gave her a fly kiss and left and she kept smiling about how he was childish some time, Jannat was also home she's been working since 2 weeks so now she could rest and Anti was in her room she teached Ladies of her age to read Quran properly online,Uncle has left for work and Hassan was maybe sleeping yet. Fajr was still not ready so she went to get ready but first she went to check if she got any notification, As she was scrolling on her phone she got a call from a private number, she wasn't sure about if she should pick it up or not but after the person called her for the 3rd time she decided to answer the call.

"Assalamualikum by beautiful cousin" she immediately understood from his voice that who was it and she was going to turn the call of when he said "A a, listent listent itni jazbati kiu hori ho tumhari shaadi ki mubarak dena chahra hu, you didn't even invite me" his cheeky voice was annoying for her ears so she responded "What's the matter with you? what do you want know?" even is she didn't want to talk to him she knew that he won't leave her in peace now that he's back "My deear cousin is getting angry on " he sighed at the end to annoy her more "i heared that your husband loves you a lot" "why do you care about my personal life, im warning you STAY AWAY FROM MY PERSONAL LIFE ZAYN!" " HAHAHA ohh is it like that now hmm, but does your poor lovely husband know that you loved me once too" "Zayn im telling you for one last time stay away from my life, why should i even tell you about it who are you too me huuh?" "Well im nothing right now but... wasn't i everything for you once" he said laughing and making Fajr more angry "Well then i okay as your still a nayi nawayi dulhan chahe kisi hor ki magr phir b  me tumhari wish qabul krta hu" and they're call ended but it left Fajr in anger, how did he dare to call her and talk to her after that he left her alone in a young age where she had to to all the relatives question, she wanted to forget what happened and she got ready, she wasn't allowed yet so her half day passed by reading quran and chatting with anti and Fajr in the garden, she went to pray Zohr (2nd salah of the day) but first texted Amar, she loved calling him Amar as it meant moon but he wanted her to call him with a nickname not like hubby or darling, so she saved her Number by Ya Amar, while he saved it by Ya Hayata, "Assalamualaikum Habibti how's work going? and have you prayed yet?" only 2 minutes passed and he replied but she saw his text after finishing praying, "Walauikum Assalam Hayata, thank you for reminding my love,i was so bus that i almost forgot ill go pray now, You tell me how's your day going" he asked, "You don't have to thank me Amar, and Alhamduliilah it's going great me and Jannat were sitting with Mama and she told us about how Muhammad saw used to love Khatija r.a"  

Khatija r.a was Prophet Muhammad saw first wife even is he was older then him he loved he a lot and she loved him a lot they had beautifull 6 children's. Khatija r.a was the first person who accepted islam but before that she was the Person who always stayed beside him even when Muhammad saw got confused and left frightened from the cave hira because Angel Jibrael came up to him to and commanded "Read in the name of your Lord who created you......" he ran to Khatija r.a who comforted him, she was always with him in every moment she even brought him to her cousin Waraqah, who said: "You are a Prophet sent to the people. If I am here when you receive prophethood, I promise I will help you."
Fajr thanked back about the story and said to her self "I want to be A wife like Khadija r.a who will always be with her husband to support him in every situation and never leave him alone"

"Ma sha Allah it means that you enjoyed mamas compeny"
"Alhamdullillah I always learn something from her she's really like my own mother" I guess Amar was free that's why he replied immediately
"I'm happy to see this bond...oh Hayata I'll have to go I've got some customer's but I'll see you soon in sha Allah"
She also said bye to him and went to read a book from his book shelf,he had a collection of islamic books and she saw a book that she was interested to get but it was already sold out every where but luckily her husband had it,she tried so hard to focus on reading but Zayns thought weren't going out of her head she was confused that why did he came and then left,what was the reason? She was so lost in her thoughts that she trambled when her phone rang it was Saher
"Assalamualaikum partner how are you"
"Walaikum assalam...I'm good how about you"
"Is everything alright why do you look sad?" She asked as she understood there was something wrong from Fajr's voice
"Hm everything Is fine"
"I don't think so...did Bhai say anyt..."
"No no it's actually nothing related to him,do you have some free time"
"Well I called you to ask about college...but tell me the matter "
She told her about how Zayn texted her first few days ago and now called her
"Uf,what's the matter with this guy. Partner he's just trying to annoy you don't think about him!" She said getting angry because she hated the person who made her sister sad
"Saher it's not only about me now...now I have a husband and I'm scared that IN sha Allah nothing will happen but if something happens then I will make a bad impression of my self infront of Amar"
"Meri jaan,why do you think so far huh. Don't you know bhai yet,he doesn't only loves you so much but trusts you a lot,he knows how you are and you know that fact better then me,and look Allah swt knows your intention so just trust the creator of everything he won't let anything wrong happen,and that Mr Zayn! It had become he's hobby to annoy you so don't let him win by getting sad"
"You're the best partner,I always feel relaxed by talking to you" even though she was most closed to Amar but there are always few things that can only be told to friends and she was that friend to Fajr.
Fajr asked mama at what time did Amar came so she went to wait for him at the door she waited so much for the day to end so she could see him again,Amar saw his wife at the door and he came running to give her a hug and kisses
"Amar haha someone will se stop" she said trying to stop him from giving her kisses on the head and cheeks
"I missed you soo much meri jaan,I didn't only have my wife with me but also Fajr wasn't with me" she laughed at what he said and they went inside,Fajr helped Jannat at putting the dishes on the dining and both Amar and Fajr sat together to eat, they all chatted about how they're days went Uncle asked her how she felt here and after dinner they went to pray maghrib.
They stayed on they're prayer mat and made dua for each other,Amar gave a forhead kiss at the end and they got up,

they turned the TV on to listent a lecture from Mufti menk but thru out Amar was just cuddling his wife,he loved putting his head in her lap while she ran her finger's in his black thick shiny hair.
She didn't tell him about Zayn not only because she didn't want to ruin this beautiful moment between them but also because she hoped he won't come back again so she tried to forget him but will he actually leave her in peace?

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