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Fajrs pov:My brother had to go to his work,he works in a super store.im also trying to find a job,I did go for some interviews but...never heard back from anyone.as I went to make some breakfast I found out that my favourite cereal has finished and few other stuffs it was only 08:33,so I went to the grocery shop.i could have taken a bus the grocery shop isn't that far from my house so I preferred walking it was only a 15 minute walk,I also had some work to get done in the bank so I first went in the bank that comes after the grocery shop and as I was going,I saw a job advertisement outside the Cafe shop that I went yesterday,I went inside to ask as I was already looking for a job.
Fajr:"Hi,I hope your good.
I saw outside that you guys were looking for a part time staff"
Jannat:"HI,and yes yes we just opened not long ago....are you interested for yourself?"
Fajr:"yh I'm actually looking for a job"
Jannat:"That's perfect then have this email,and pls send us your CV and hopefully we will get back to you soon"she said looking at fajr who was looking at the paper that Jannat gave to her
Fajr:"That's perfect,Thank you for your time and have a good day"She said smiling and left

Fajrs pov: Yesterday there was a tall young boy with beard but Today there was a beautiful girl in hijab and abaya who had green eyes and also she was really nice.I got the grocery made breakfast,did my chores and prayed Zohr.after Zohr my brother came home so I decided to make him some food,usually it's mom who does it but now that she's not here I'm doing it.

Fajr:"here have your food" She said putting food on the dining table
Mustafa:"oooo....Looks like my little sister has made some food herself.but...why did you make it I would have made something myself,and did you eat something"
Fajr:"yh yh I know what you would have made...NOODLES"she said laughing
"And no I didn't,as I wasn't hungry so I'm gonna eat with you"
They both sat together and talked about each other,fajr told him what she did today and mustafa told about his day.as their parents are not here so Mustafa is not annoying his little baby sister but when they will come back he won't stop.
Hassan:"Bhai we've got some emails for the job,would you like to have a look . there's approximately 15 20 people already"he said looking at his brother who was getting some work done on his computer
Amar:"hmm..Send me their CV'S I'll have a look and then I will send you some people's email so you can contact them,okay?"
Hassan:"yes bro as you say"
As Jannat helps her brother in the cafe his little brother Hassan likes to also help his big brother.
On call with Saher📞
Fajr:"I've got to go to an interview tomorrow"
Saher:"oh so where is it gonna be,I can pick you up after your interview and then go in the mall.what do you say?"
Fajr:"you remember the Cafeteria that we went in together the other day,there.and...okay of you really wanna go then we can go together after my interview so come to pick me up at around 15:30"
Saher:"Okay partner that's perfect"

Saher has got her driving licence while I'm also gonna get it really soon.
I went to do some cleaning and dusting because after tomorrow my parents will be back so I want to clean it up,but everything is always tidy just other then Mustafas room haha.
In the Masjid;
Zakariya:"Assalamualaikum warahmtullahi wabarakatuhu brother"
Amar:"Walaikum assalam warahmtullahi wabarakatuhu akhi,how are you"
Zakariya:"I'm good Alhamdullillah what about you?How's your cafe shop going?"
Amar:"Alhamdullillah everything is great,come let's go where the imam is sitting,Ma sha Allah today a brother is taking hid Shada"
Amars pov;Zakariya is my very old Moroccan friend,we met in the masjid as we used to learn quran together when we were small.we came in the masjid to pray isha and saw a brother taking his shada,May Allah swt blesses him and make all of us a good Muslim Ameen.i had a chat with Zakariya after praying and went home straight,I had few interview and I've also got others.
Day of the interview;
Fajr:"Hi,I'm here for an interview"
Hassan:"okay....what's your name?"
Fajr:"Fajr shabbir"when he was doing his work I thought that everytime I come there a new person,at first there was a very tall musler guy with beard,then there was this beautiful girl with green eyes and a beautiful smile,and now there is a boy who looks the same age as her
Hassan:"Please wait a little we will call you in a minute"
Fajr:"That's perfect thank you" I wasn't nervous at first but now I am getting nervous,but I remember my dad's words he said "Allah is with you all the time you don't need to be scared,believe in Allah he won't do something that you can't handle" after few minutes that guy Called my name
Amars pov;im having interview since the last 5 hours without a break,man how tiring it is and boring.
As I was writing the name of the one who was coming I heard a beautiful soft voice I felt as if I have heard it before "Can I come in" She knocked on the door that was already opened.She was the girl that I couldn't forget it really was her,even if she wears Nikab I can still recognise her from her voice,as I told her to come in,she took her steps forward and my heart beat started going really fast,I don't know but I felt a joy in my heart by seeing her after a tiring and frustrating day.

Amar:"Hi what's ur name"i said controlling not to smile
Fajr:"my name is Fajr shabbir" she said with confident,since morning so many females came with lack of confidence but she wasn't like them
Amar:"Okay..Nice to meet you fajr My name is Muhammad Amar,I'm the owner and the manager of this Cafeteria.should we start the interview?"
I couldn't believe that the girl who was in my mind since so many days Is now sitting right in front of me,Astaghfirullah I shouldn't say to a non mehram but her eyes were breathtakingly beautiful,and her voice was so calming and sweet,I could just and listen to what ever she says all day long without getting tired,she wasn't really petit I mean I'm 5.9 foot and I would take a guess that she's 5.7/5.8 I mean she is taller then Jannat my sister.
Amar:after asking some questions I looked at her CV and said "Well I can see that you have worked as a Volunteer,have worked in a store too you've got good experience then!"
Fajr:"yes I have worked previously" I said hiding my feelings because from inside I was soo freaking nervous
Amar:"Okay Fajr,my team will contact you maybe we will call you for a training day,is that gonna be alright?"
Fajr:"hm,that would be alright!"
Amar:"Okay then nice to meet you hopefully I will see you again"
Fajr:"Thanks you!" And I left by saying nothing more,I'm so thankful that I could hide my feelings under my Nikab,because if Mr Amar would have seen how nervous I was he wouldn't even ask me for an interview.
I was waiting near the Cafe,Sehar has texted me that she will reach in 5 minutes,but she came a little bit early,we greeted each other and she asked me how was my interview on which I replied
Fajr:"well I think it went quite well,let's see what Allah has planned for me,but that guy that you called "HANDSOME" (I said making a face) was the owner and the manager of the Cafe but seriously HE LOOKED LIKE A BOSS (I said exaggerating in which she laughed and said Why?) Bro he didn't even smile once,astaghfirullah I didn't want him to smile for me but...you know what I mean,I mean he kind of looked arrogant (I said looking outside the window)
Saher:"partner I asked you about the interview but you told me everything about your boss to be"She said Laughing to tease me
We did some shopping,we came to buy gifts for Avin and her husband but I also bought a welce gift for my parents,I bought my dad an Armani hat because its summer and my dad likes Hats and I Bought Mom a little wallet so she can throw away the old one (even though I know she won't)
I went home prayed maghrib as I made lunch so Mustafa decided to make my favouriteeee White sauce pasta for dinner,after eating I did dishwashing and talked about the interview,he gave me good wishes,tomorrow my parents would come back from umrah so Mustafa had to finish early so we can go to receive them,ugh only I know how hard these days were for me,but Alhamdullillah they will be back and I decided to my clothes ready for tomorrow so I relax and make some food for both of them tomorrow.
I decided to bring out a simple Green abaya with a white hijab and a green separate Nikab.
Everything was ready I said my night dua made some dua for my family and parent's and asked Allah to get me a job.I don't know how but...I've got a feeling of getting this job,how does my heart want to work in a cafe shop who's boss is no emotion person,Ya Allah help me and do what's good for me.

<Jazak Allah everyone who is reading my story Thank you everyone,if you guys enjoy my story do let me know by liking,if you want to share any thought or anything please do comment.>

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