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Few days have passed and Amar was busy at his work while yesterday Fajr went to do some shopping with Saher and also got to chat a lot with her, she didn't really get bored at home because she always used to learn something from anti and had Jannnat with her but still she missed being with Amar so he did too, Amar has already told his family that they're temporary moving in turkey Mama was really sad because she didn't want her son to get away so far and now she also had a closing bond with Fajr but dad helped Amar to convince her because it was for Fajr's future career and only for 1 or 2 year, while in the other hand Fajr didn't know about it and she didn't even ask him if he has talked to his parents because she knew that he will  talk, Fajr also stopped going in college because very soon she will start going in Turkey.

"Hayata come sit here for a second" Amar ordered her while patting on the space that he left for fajr to sit, she was brushing her black silky thick hair so je gave her 2 minutes at just admired her beauty in the mean time "Ya Amarr she said coming towards him while opening her arms, he was sitting and she was standing they both hugged and Amar was attached to her like a little baby who didn't let her leave "haha Habibi let me sit now" "you started but it will finish when i want" Amar said while his eyes were close and his face was just on her, finally he let her sit and gave her a envelope "what is this?" she asked opening "its our salami" she said jokingly, she opened the envelope and saw a flight to turkey after 2 days, "Amarr, what...what is this?" she said getting up and looking at him in shock "Hayataa were going in TURKEY FOR YOU" he said holding her arms and trying to make her excited as she was in shock to see what was happening "AMARR WHY DID YOU BOOK THE FLIGHTS YET WE STILL HAD TO TALK TO MAMA AND DAD" "mera baccha calm down and sit i have booked the flghts and done everything there AFTER ASKING THEY'RE PERMISSION" he said making her sit and sitting on his knees, she looked back at the flight's and hugged Amar while he could feel her tear drops "oyee babe why are you crying? i didn't book the flights to make you cry" "pagl it's my happy tear's" she said hitting him and laughing , Amar had all the amazing qualities that she wanted her husband to have  or actually more then that, he loved her first but also made her fall in love as much as he did, he wasn't just a good listener and loving huband but he was everything that she could ask but this didn't mean that they didn't have any little arguments.

"Amar i have told you that i haven't seen your Guess watch, i know where your work watch is but you took your guess watch off when you went to do wudhu but i don't know where did it go try to remember where you put it and also how many times have i told you that please don't put your towel on the bread" Amar was stressed because he was going out with Adam but couldn't find his favorite watch, he was also in hurry so he needed it immediately both of them looked everywhere but it was no where " Yaar kia haiii? Im already in hurry then i lost my watch and now your giving me a lesson for a towel" he said shouting on Fajr "Amar why your shouting on mee? you have lost your watch because of your own self and i didn't give you a lesson i just asked you to please not put the towel on the be.." she was still responding when he said "im leaving now and ill be back so please don't text me and eat something don't be waiting for me" he said getting out the room while he was going to play football with the boys,  his tone left her heart broken it wasn't her fault but he still talked to her like that, Fajr always cried when someone shouted at her because she always tried to be as much nice as she can so she doesn't hurt anyone's feeling but did he has to say that she doesn't have to text him " i know his with his friend's and i trust him but can't i even ask him about will he be back home and how could i go to sleep without him does he think that i can eat when he hasn't eaten anything yet" it wasn't a big argument but Amar's word hurt her a little, she waited to see any text from him which he usually texts her to ask her if she need's anything, to send his goofy phots making her laugh and telling her when he will be back, he left at 7 and 2 hour's passed she didn't eat anything and everyone went to sleep after having dinner but how could she have dinner without her other half, she prayed did some calligraphy to make herself busy and checked the time it was 21:45 he still wasn't back,no next or anything she was worried but didn't text him because he didn't want to 1 more hour passed by reading a book actually trying to and still there was no text or anything she prayed to Allah to keep him in his protection where ever he was even though she got hurt a little she still didn't want anything bad for her, she sat on the single couch that was by the window,where Amar used to sit to read the book she looked at the moon which remined him of Amar.

Amar came back home at 23:19 but by that time everyone was sleeping he went in his room and saw Fajr sleeping on the couch without any blanked while the cold air was entering from the window, he picked her up and layed her down on the bed she was already in her pjs she was really sleepy and he did it carefully, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and removed her hair from coming on the face and said "Sorry jana i hope i never hurt this beautiful heart ever again" he had got her chocolates and roses but because she was sleeping he put them on the side table with a little card.

Fajr got up from the Alarm as it was Fajr's time she saw herself sleeping on the bed even if she felled asleep on the sofa, she tried to get up when felled an arm grabbing her tightly and it was no other then Amar, she didn't realize when he was back she tried to move him and wake up for Fajr but he didn't so she got up first, as she was tiding her hair she saw the sorry gifts from her husband on the side table, she smiled looking back at amar and opened the card that said 

"Sorry Hayata i know i shouldn't have hurt you like that pleas accept my sorry" and at the end he tried to make a heart which made her burst out in laugh,She smelled the roses next and toom a rose towards Amar from other side of the bed,"Amar get up its time for fajr" he moved to her side and touched her face,her face was the same length as his hand so he could hold her whole face with his hand,"hm Are you no more angry with me" he said in a sleepy voice "um,well I shouldn't be telling you that" she said getting up while he stopped her from her hand and pulled her towards him "then I know that my love can't stay angry with me" she tried running to the toiled while he immediately started running towards her but she closed the washrooms door already,she looked in the mirror and got shy st remembering that he picked her up from the sofa and then layed her down on the bed, these little thing's that were bringed so much joy for her.
They both prayed Fajr,then Fajr Did Quran talawat while Amar layed his head in her lap and listened to her beautiful relaxing voice, he teased her by saying "someone was so angry on me that didn't even text me and now everything is fine huh" "hm so you still want me to be angry on you" she said moving his head away, "noo please Don't do this" he said laughing and asking her to run her fingers in his head again like she did he asked he if she eat anything in dinner to which she nodded no,so he bringed her in the kitchen even though she was wearing her prayer Khimar but everyone was in they're rooms.
It was still dark outside and he made her sit on the high chair's while prepared breakfast for her,she kept looking at him at how he was doing everything so nicely like professionals while he was also telling his story about why he studied business but opened a Caffè, it took him a while but he came back with her favour to breakfast Cappuccino and with  pancakes.
Then he sat with her and asked her to rate his cooking "omg omg omggg, HOW DO THEY TASTE SOO GOOD AMAR" she said giving him a tight hug and telling how good it tastes,she was really blessed to have a husband who even if argued but then made breakfast for his wife soo early

She completed her breakfast while chatting and Amar giving her infinity kisses every second,it was 6 am so they went for a walk by the river and got to see the sunrise.

She completed her breakfast while chatting and Amar giving her infinity kisses every second,it was 6 am so they went for a walk by the river and got to see the sunrise

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