Ch. 2: Lost in the Cavern of Friendship

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Cassandra has been pacing for a whole minute, with Varian nervously watching her move. He was going to say something but decided to stay quiet due to Cass's anxious and concerned face.

"Okay. Alright. Sure. Mhm. I got it. Perfect." Cassandra mumbled.

"Cass, are you alright?" Varian asked.

"Oh, you know me! I feel phenomenal! Sensational, even!" She replied with a somewhat cheery tune.

"Are you su-"

"It's just- Oh, I don't know! My friend has disappeared for a year! Almost two! Some small ghost and her big demon friend trapped me in this big cave, and I'm thirsty as hell!" She continued to pace.


"And now my friends are with an identity called the Fraud, not knowing I'm here! Now they're in complete danger because that Fraud's planning to take the moonstone once they all get to the Dark Kingdom!" She continued.


"And I can't do anything about it because we're here in this big cave, which looks like there's no way out, and I'm starting to lose it! And-"


"WHAT?!"Varian stood up at some point, his hands slightly raised. "Cass, you're overthinking this. You need to relax." He said.

Cass took a few deep breaths. "Right. Sorry. It's just..." She sighs. "So much has happened between the last few hours."

"I can tell," Varian said, sitting next to her. "Let's start from the top. What exactly happened?"

"Alright... We were at an inn called The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow. We stayed there like three days, including today." She stops for a second, thinking about what to say. "Today morning, Rapunzel disappeared from where we slept, so the others and I went to look for her."

Varian kept listening, interested in the story.

"The boys went one direction, so I went the other. I found a metal door a while later, and my name gets called, so I went in."

"Bad call, Cass," Varian said teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I came across this ghost girl, and she showed me something unbelievable."

"What'd she show you?"

"Something of my past..." Cass said, sounding nostalgic. "About my mother, Gothel."

"Gothel?! As in Mother Gothel?! The one who kidnapped Rapunzel?!" Varian exclaimed, shocked.

"Yep," Cass said, popping the p. "That Gothel."

"And your dad is the Captain of the Guards..." He mumbled. "So does that mean your dad and Gothel-"

"NO!!! VARIAN, WHAT THE HELL?!" She yelled, blushing in embarrassment and punching his shoulder.

"Ow!" He exclaimed while laughing. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. Continue."

'That cheeky little...' Cass thought with a playful contempt smile. "As I was saying, Gothel's my mother, yes. It turns out, Gothel abandoned me for Rapunzel and her hair."

"Oh..." Varian's cheeky smile turned to a look of sympathy. "Cass, I'm so sorry."

"Oh, don't worry about it. To be honest with you. I'm glad. I didn't want to be the maid of my mother. I lived a better life with my dad than I ever could with Gothel."

"Oh. Well, that's nice."

"I do feel bad for Rapunzel, though. She had to put up with Gothel's fake-loving ass for years." Varian giggled at that comment. "After that vision, the ghost gave me some fake pity, then guess what she said?"

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