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" Is my uncle your daddy?" I stopped admiring the green pair of trunks I was holding.
" I don't need one." I didn't know what to say honestly.
"Really? But we all need our daddies. Who puts you to sleep? Or make your meals and takes care of you? "
"I take care of myself. We're only friends. "
Charly looked a bit lost in thought so I suggested we head out before his daddy started worrying.
I changed into the shorts and borrowed a shirt from Charly, I didn't want my chest being exposed.
"There you are. I was just about to come get you two ." Zane was shirtless already and in the shade.
"Daddy! I'm a big boy remember. " said 'big boy' was picked up and thrown over the shoulder by Zane.

I joined Xavior by the shade for a minute before we started playing.
"Will you be swimming with your shirt on?"
"Ummm...yea ." He didn't say anything after that and passed me some sun screen.
"Theo race you to the pool."
I immediately followed him into the pool and dived in. Charly was a pretty good swimmer and was also great competition.
The pool was massive, it had a set of slides going over the artificial waterfall. There was a hidden cave feature and they had a bar by the side of the pool. The seats were in the water that seemed so cool. There was a jacuzzi by the end and lots of floats in the water .

I had never had that much fun in my life .
" Boys ,out please . I need you hydrated and its getting pretty late. " In the midst of our fun and games I hadn't realised how late it was getting.

We were allowed to okay for a little but before we got out. Zane held his hands open for me with a towel waiting and I was just so happy. The towel even had a hood .

"Let's get you a warm bath before you become sick, alright darling?" I could only nod and follow him into the house.
He filled the tub with warm water and bubbles and some toys too.
"Ten minutes maximum baby boy. I don't want you to get pruned up."

I undressed and got into the water. It was so lovely . I played for a bit before I finally took my bath and got out . Zane had laid put some clothes for me .
I picked up the black sweatpants and a white t-shirt that was a little too big on me and wore them. The shirt hang off my shoulder a bit but I really didn't care. I was exhausted.

I made my way to the living area and found Charly fast asleep in his daddy's arm.

" I'm making dinner then I can take you home . Is that okay sweet one?" A fierce blush immediately presented itself on my face. I nodded a lot.
I took a seat and for the first time since that morning I checked my phone. I had a message from my brother informing me that he was getting settled in well. A missed call from my father. What could he possibly want?

I excused myself and went to call him. It rung for a couple of seconds before he picked up.

(I'm going to try and write it conversation style. I'm just lazy 😅)

Dad: Where are you you little piece of shit!

Me: I went out with some friends, I'll be back soon.

Dad: Who gave you the permission huh? Do you know what day it is !

Me: It's a Saturday father. I didn't think I was supposed to ask,I always go out everyday.

Dad: You irritate the life out of me. I asked what today was !

Me: I don't know father .
I was honestly getting scared , did I forget something.  Was it serious, mother  wouldn't be happy when she learns of this.

Dad: Get your ass in this house . I'm giving you ten minutes boy ! You're going to see hell today .

He immediately hung up. How could I get back home in ten minutes ? What was he going to do to me?

" Bud ! Theo ! Are you okay? You're shaking like crazy ,what's wrong mi amor ?" I don't think I could breathe .
" Home . Dad ..." Tears started falling from my eyes .
" Do you need to get home ?" I nodded frantically I developed a headache.
" Okay you can eat then we leave ,okay ?"
" No no no no , please ."

         ZANES'S POV
Theo was full on sobbing, he wasn't speaking to me so I couldn't help him well. All I could do was carry him in my arms , console him as he let it all out.

" Theo, I'm taking you home okay ? Stop crying baby, daddy doesn't like seeing you sad."

Charly had woken up and he came to the patio withe his daddy. " Uncle Zane what's wrong with Theo ? "

" Nothing little monster , he just wants to go home. I'll take him home now okay. "
" Let me pack up some dinner for him. After all that crying he'll need the energy. " I gave a small nod.

By now he was only sniffing a bit. " It's okay bud, I'm taking you home now ." I ran my free hand through his hair .
His hands grasped the front of my shirt and held on , it was cute.

After packing up his clothes and the food , I said my goodbyes and put Theo in the car. I buckled him up and began the drive.

"Theo baby , can you tell me what made you cry? " He turned his head to the side like he didn't understand me.
" Baby how old are you?"
He immediately perked up and began clapping his hands . He help up three ,them reduced it to two fingers .
" I too daddy . I too ears old."

I couldn't help the smile I gave out. This little angle was more than I ever dreamt of.

" Shall I take you home or you want to stay with daddy tonight ?" I know that was a long run but I had to try.

His little smile faded ." I no want home, bad man scweam at me. Hurwt me. Daddy nice, I love daddy ." 

Who was the bad man he was talking about ? I didn't press on cause this topic was ruining his mood.
" As you wish my Prince,  let's head to daddy's. "
He was back to his jovial self in seconds . I played the Disney soundtrack I always have on my phone for Charly and he happily sang along with his little lisp.

The drive took longer than usual because I was driving really slowly.  I didn't want anything bad to happen to my baby .

The security opened the gates for me and I drove up the driveway ,I parked infront of the door , someone would take care of the car.
I took Theo and he apparently didn't want to walk . He climbed onto me like a koala. I gave out a chuckle and asked my housekeeper to bring in the food for me.

This was the best day I've had in years.

1184 words.
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